Chapter 5

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What a week!! It has been busy but thankfully I have a small break coming up in school so hopefully I cna get some major writing done while I'm off. The picture I have put on the side will make sense once you read the chapter. It's super pretty right :) Anywho enjoy the chapter and let me know what you think!!!

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       The next week passed by in a monotonous blur. Not that it wasn’t good, I just felt like a lot of the people I came in contact with were treating me like a breakable doll. After my one episode that first day I arrived, I wasn’t entirely surprise and I’m sure Sam told the pack to be extra welcoming but it had been a week. I think it was time to lighten up a little.

            Sam and Emily were always around. I didn’t mind it but sometimes it took a lot for me to sneak away to my room to just be alone. One good thing about this place was that there was always somewhere to go. The woods. The beach. They were all new to me. A big difference from the concrete dominated cities that I’ve been bounced back and forth between.

            The rest of the pack were slowly becoming unaccustomed to me being around. At first when they would come to the house, they wouldn’t talk much to me. Except for Leah that is. She clung to my side almost as much as I clung to her’s. But as the week went on, they began to open up which helped me do so as well. Every time they came over, I automatically looked for one person in particular. Seth.

            For some reason, he was in the back of my mind at all times of the day. Whenever I saw him at the house, I would feel my wolf move more. It was slowly becoming an addicting sensation that I wanted to have all the time and Seth was the only one that broke through to cause a reaction in my wolf. I tried to communicate somehow with my wolf but all I ever got were barely audible whispers. Perhaps if I spent more time with Seth, my wolf would become stronger and then I would be able to shift. Only time would tell.


            However, when I tried to talk to him, he would avoid me. I’m not sure if he was actually avoiding me but I tried to walk in his direction sometimes only to get distracted by another pack member. Then when I went back to walking in his direction he was no longer there. I mean come on. I think any reasonable girl would have some suspicions. I may not be a typical girl, but I wasn’t dumb.

            I saw Sam talking to him a couple of times and the few times I did, it looked like they were in a deep conversation. I hadn’t made Sam mad yet so I wasn’t about to interrupt their talk just so that I could see how my wolf reacts close to Seth. I would just bid my time until the right moment came. There was something that was drawing me to him. My mind kept saying imprint but Seth never approached me. That wasn’t normal of an imprint right? I just tried to clear my mind of that nonsense and move on with the day.

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