Chapter 9

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So here is chapter 9 of my Seth story. It's a little short but I'm having some writer's block trying to get to a certain point of the story where every thing is going to go crazy. I'm sorry that it's not my best but stick with it and I promise it'll get better.

I hope you like! Vote and Comment :)


              “Just concentrate. Let your instincts take over,” I heard Sam say as he walked around me. I couldn’t see him because I had my eyes close trying to do what he told me but I could just imagine that his eyebrows were furrowed in determination.

            I let out a heavy sigh, my shoulders slumping from the effort. “I don’t feel anything Sam. I told you this wasn’t going to work,” I replied, the disappointment apparent in my voice. I could hear the shuffle of feet around me. I ducked my hair as a blush made its way up my neck to my cheeks.

            I had been standing here for about two hours trying to draw my wolf to the surface. It had been a week since I met the Cullens and Carlisle has been trying to find ways to help me gain the ability to shift again. Sam and him agreed that I need to work on it as often as I could which meant that I was out in the backyard every day. It also meant that usually I would have an audience in these sessions. The pack usually hangs out at the house anyway but I was still uncomfortable with the fact that everyone knew that I couldn’t shift. I still had the insecurities that I would be seen as weak.

            “It’s okay Faye. We aren’t going to give up until you can,” Sam said coming to stand right next to me. His hand landed on my shoulder and I opened my eyes to look at him. There was no judgment in his eyes. Only caring like any father would. I gave him a small smile before glancing around the yard.

            Paul, Jared, Embry, and Quil were off on patrol so they were participating in my utter humiliation. Leah sat on the porch steps watching us intently. She had been very supportive ever since she found out about my flaw. I could see Emily through the small window of the kitchen. Every so often she would glance out at us as she cooked. It seems like she was always cooking. The younger members of the pack, who had quickly got bored of me not being able to change, were busy talking or fooling around by the side of the house.

That left Seth. He stood a few feet away, his face resembling Sam’s. He wasn’t looking at me any differently. He told me after every session that ended with us going nowhere that it didn’t matter whether I could shift or not. I was his imprint through and through. Even so, the thought was always in the back of my mind that I wasn’t good enough for him.

Sam and I started to walk back towards the house and Seth met me halfway. He gave me a smile which only made mine widen. “Come here babe,” he said opening his arms for me to step into which I did without a hesitation. There was always something about being in his arms. There was a safety factor there. “You’ll be able to eventually. Don’t worry about it,” he said kissing me on the top of my head.

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