𝟒𝟑| 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐉𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐲

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"That would be five hundred pounds, you son of a witch!" I spat in his face without thinking much. Being the stoic he was, I was expecting him to not react in any way but he did. His eyebrows drew together as he looked down at me with confusion.

"How do you know?" He asked me. This, in turn, bewildered me. I opened my mouth and closed it because all of a sudden I was at a lack of words. Even though my vocabulary was equipped with all the colourful words that could even make a sailor blush, at that moment I just seemed to have forgotten how to speak.

I shook my head at him and took a step back before speaking up, "You made me do all of this just for that piece of jewellery?" I hissed. The previous confusion from his face vanished while he stood, even more, taller, drawing his hands in his pockets.

"That's not just a piece of Jewellery," He told me grimly.

"I'm a woman. I know more about jewellery than you, Mr Night and you gambled with me just for that piece of..." I trailed off, feeling the anger rise inside me like the lava in a volcano about to burst. "Tonight have you crossed all the lines, Mr Night! You've shown what kind of a man you are!" I hissed while he remained standing there, tall and composed as ever and this was pissing me off even more.

Silence fell between us after I had done speaking. I was still heaving due to the lack of breath while he continued to stand there, watching me pensively with a cocked eyebrow.

"What do you mean to say?" He asked, tilting his head at aside.

"That you are a son of a witch! You aren't the gentleman that you claim to be. You're a liar, a trickster and a... murderer,"

"Then what are you? Didn't you kiss a man tonight just to get a piece of jewellery from him?" He questioned venomously.

For a moment, I couldn't believe that he had said that to me. I was beyond shocked.

"You're questioning my character?"

"Am I?" He dared to ask.

"You made me do this! You put me in this situation and yet you—"

"I don't remember asking you to come here. You came here yourself. It was all your discission—from coming here to kissing Godwick," I didn't miss the intensity with which he said the last bit.

His words acted like fuel to my burning fire. He put me in danger yet he refused to take accountability for this and on top of that, he was questioning my character! I wanted to jump on him, grab his collar and shake him until he would get some senses back into him.

How dare he!

"Give it to me. Now," He demanded, taking a step closer and holding his hand out for me. I looked at his beautiful, long fingers. Under the moonlight, his ring shown brightly. All I wanted to give him was a punch to his face but instead, I walked past him towards the carriage.

He didn't speak anything but I felt his eyes on me as I undid one of the horses from the carriages and mounted on it before riding away into the night. I was so blinded by rage and mad a him that I didn't know where I was going. I had tears in my eyes anyway.

Though the horse seemed to know because it soon took me out of that woody area before racing down one of the main roads on the outskirts of the city. I held onto the saddle hard as the horse sped up even more.

The night air hit me right in the face. It helped me a bit from keeping the tears at a bay. While I was riding through the city, I contemplated several times about going back to my aunt's house but that wouldn't be useful because Mr Night would find me there either way and I don't think my aunt would have been pleased to see me on her doorstep at one in the morning.

Soon, the city was left behind me as the horse kept speeding up even more. It drove me even further away from the outskirts where there wasn't even a single house to be seen. It was only covered with woods.

It was so dark there that I could hardly even see anything but the horse kept speeding. Though it soon slowed down after taking a sharp turn and within a few moments, the dark house of Mr Night stood tall in front of me.

Even though there was no one in the house, oddly, I noticed that one of the windows facing north was lit. It was Mr Night's bedroom. I couldn't have cared less then because I was seething and wanted to cry at the same time. I got off the horse and ran inside the house.

I only let my tears out when I was back in my room and had the door locked. I changed my dress as I sobbed silently before I went to bed and fell asleep. I don't know what happened after that. I had fallen asleep quite quickly and I was sleeping heavily to even notice if Mr Night was back or not. It didn't matter anymore because I didn't want to do anything with him ever again. I was done with him and I was sure about that this time.

Though I must not have slept for long because only after a few hours, I woke up abruptly, feeling something hot against my hip. It was then when I remembered that I hadn't returned it to him.

I didn't want to see him at all after all the things he did and said to me tonight but then I reminded myself of my decision of not having to do anything with him anymore and to make that happen, I needed to return it to him. This should end this. I would never bother him again.

So, I went looking for him in the night. His bedroom was empty and so was his office on the second floor. I was sure that he was back because I could hear both the horses in the stable. I decided to go down to LEVEL 1. I decided upon leaving the gem there in case I don't find him there as well. That would be much better.

Unfortunately, I found him in LEVEL 1, seated on one of the stools with numerous papers scattered in front of him. His tailcoat and waistcoat were gone. He was wearing only a white shirt and black trousers. His hair seemed slightly out of the place as if he had been running his hand through it.

He looked a bit surprised to see me there but he didn't move or say anything as I glared at him and walked up to the table before placing that cursed gem on it. Without saying anything, I spun on my heels and proceeded to walk towards the exit when he called for me.

"Ophelia," He called out. His voice was strong and clear. Even though I didn't want to, I stopped and glared at him from above my shoulder.

"Come here,"


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Mr Nightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें