𝟒𝟓| 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝

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Maybe, it was all a part of the dream. Yes, it had to be because there's no way it seemed to have taken place in reality. That's what I tried to tell my brain as I fell asleep after returning from LEVEL 1 sometime early in the morning.

In fact, I don't really remember returning from LEVEL 1 in the first place, and neither do I remember going there. Based on these things, I tried to convince myself that the kiss didn't take place.

And I would have been successful in convincing myself that the kiss had, in fact, not taken place if it weren't for the weight of that gem hanging from my neck by that thin silver chain. I couldn't help but be aware of that thing every waking moment.

The gem was small and round. I never expected it to be so heavy but still, I felt its crushing weight... not in the literal sense. It wasn't really heavy in itself... but its presence was something that I couldn't ignore at all. There was something about it that made me slightly uneasy.

I tried my best not to let that overwhelm me as I got dressed in the morning drowsily. To be honest, I wasn't aware of most of the things... except for that gem around my neck. The chain was long for me to tuck the gem away in my corset and that's what I did otherwise I couldn't help touching it again and again.

Filth silently served me breakfast before disappearing into the kitchen and pretending to be busy but I did catch him peeking from the kitchen on the jug's reflection. I ignored him as I finished the breakfast and as usual, I went to LEVEL 1 to work.

I don't know what made me go there even after the whole incident that took place last evening. I was supposed to be mad at that man and as far as I remembered, I had taken the decision to not have anything to do with Mr Night again yet, I soon found myself opening the door to LEVEL 1.

No one was there. Two huge boxes were on the table as if already waiting for me. As far as I remember, they weren't there last night even though I had my doubts if I was here last night at all.

The boxes were open already and a note was waiting for me in neat handwriting, instructing me to sort and put together the new parts of what seemed to be a machine I couldn't name.

I got to work without thinking much but I just couldn't help thinking about the gem. Unlike other days, I was distracted most of the time otherwise I would have missed the sound of the door opening, followed by footsteps. I knew who it was and I was about to turn around and look at him but I decided against it.

I reminded myself that I was supposed to be mad at him!

Though my mind was already thinking about last night as I felt his gaze on me. I could feel my heart thrashing against my sternum and that gem slightly getting hotter in my corset as he stepped next to me to look at what I was doing.

"You didn't read the instructions, did you?" I heard him speak above me all of a sudden, making me jump.

"What? Isn't this how it's supposed to be?" I asked him, laying out all the parts again.

"You don't really listen when I am talking, do you?" He asked grimly, sounding different than last night but last night really didn't happen, right?

"You guess?" I shot back and in response, he stepped closer. A bit too close for heat to rise in my cheeks.

"Now, listen," he said in a commanding yet soft voice before he started to arrange the pieces and explaining to me their mechanism again. After he was done, I asked him, "What are these for?"

"That's none of your concern,"

"Alright," I grumbled.

"Any questions?" He asked.

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