Book 2: Chapter 4

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"How did it go?" My aunt asked after Madam Valarie had left.

"How did what go?" I asked back, internally shocked by the advice she had given me.

"Why? Your meeting with Madam Valarie," she spoke, her eyes twinkling with hope. "Did it help you? Are you convinced now?" She asked before I could say anything else.

I paused for a moment and stared at her for a second long, contemplating if I should tell her what Madam Valarie had told me. But then I decided it would be against my best interests.

"Yeah, I enjoyed talking to her," I told her and fled to my room before she could ask me anything more. To my surprise, my aunt didn't bother me again for the rest of the day and the evening.

I spent the evening alone, mulling over Madam Valarie's advice and wondering if she meant what she said. I was still finding it hard to believe what she had told me. The advice sounded effective, but I wasn't sure if it would suit someone like me. I was a normal girl, not one of the girls that worked for her.

But still, I couldn't help but keep thinking about her advice. I can't deny that her advice was great, but at the same time, I was not sure if I could pull that off. However, even if I managed to gather enough self-esteem to pull that off, I would have to see him first— which I doubted would ever happen again. I remember clearly that he had made it clear we would never again cross paths.

After spending months at his house, if anything I had learned about him, it was that he was a man of his word. He meant what he said, he did what he said. He never bluffed around. I knew he had meant it when he told me he would ensure we never cross paths again. There was no way I would get to see him again yet, here I was thinking of all the ways I could get closure from him...or see him just for the last time. Even a glimpse would be enough. However, I was well aware that all these things weren't possible anymore, no matter how I wished.

He had burned the bridges, and there was no way back to him. All this made me wonder if I was wasting my time and tears on him. Maybe, I should give up and move on. It would be better for me, but still, a part of me couldn't get over him. I would never get over how he left me at my uncles' doorstep. It was as if he was leaving behind an inconvenience.

That's all I was to him— an inconvenience.

I tried not to think about him as I went to bed, but I couldn't help it. As I fell asleep, I relived my time at his house in my dreams. This wasn't the first time it was happening, and I was sure it wouldn't be the last time either. However, tonight was slightly different. Just before the dreams could end, I saw something else I hadn't seen before.

It was peculiar. Maybe, my over-dwelling in the past was starting to make me see such things. I couldn't tell. It was simply a dream— I didn't remember how it started and how it was going to end. All I remembered was wearing a white dress and anxiously clutching a bouquet of flowers. I couldn't make out much about the scene.

The next moment, I walked down an aisle but halted when I saw Romulus as the groom. He was equally shocked to see me there but didn't say anything. However, I could tell that under that calm facade of his face was a volcano about to erupt. I could feel his anger radiating off his body as I hesitantly walked down the aisle. His intense eyes burned on me, hot enough to leave scorch marks on my skin.

Before I could comprehend the whole dream, my eyes snapped open. I saw sunlight streaming into my room through the pastel curtains, but still, it all felt like part of that weird dream. I sat on my bed, groggy and miserable, as I tried to recall the dream. However, as the seconds passed, I kept forgetting more and more about the dream. Eventually, as I went for breakfast, I had forgotten everything I had seen in my dreams.

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