𝟔𝟎| 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫

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I blinked away the tears as I looked out of the window. I almost jumped from my bed when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I answered without wasting any time. The flicker of hope inside me was completely diminished when I saw Filth outside my door instead of him. I grumbled a curse under my breath and went back to the bed after closing the door on his face but he didn't go away. He followed me inside.

"You haven't had anything since yesterday," He declared.

"Good for Mr Night. His ration is saved," I grumbled, giving him my back while blinking my tears. He remained silent for a while and didn't say anything.

"So you're going to starve yourself?" He asked seriously.

"I don't see any plates in your hands. What is it this time?" I asked him curtly, getting straight to the point.

"He sent me here," he declared. My heart started beating fast for a moment but I didn't move, "to tell you that you are not allowed in LEVEL 1 anymore. The stairs down there are now out of bounds to you,"

"I don't want to see him either," I gritted angrily, remembering what he said to me that night. It had been two days since then and I hadn't seen him. After we returned, he disappeared downstairs. He avoided me when I tried to meet him the next day. He was going to great lengths to avoid me. I was about to give up on him.

Filth was still in my room. He didn't say anything for a while.

"What are you waiting for? Do you have anything else to say?" I asked him. He let out a deep sigh before taking a seat at the corner of my bed, facing away from me and putting one leg on the other and leaning back a bit.

"Something happened to you two that night," he commented. I didn't say anything so he continued, "Especially to him. I had never seen him like this. Sometimes, he acts like a madman..." He trailed off. when I didn't say anything, he finally got up and headed towards the door, "I did what I was said to do. You should eat something. I am making pumpkin pie today," He said the last bit in a sing-song tone before leaving me alone again.

I didn't show up for his pumpkin pie. I sulked in the room for the rest of the day, either crying to just sleeping or sometimes, doing both. By the time it got dark outside, I got frustrated. I couldn't let this continue like this.

I needed to see him!

I knew that it wouldn't be easy going down through the main stairs so I used the secret passageways instead and went down straight to LEVEL 2. I was determined to see him and shake him like a salt sprinkler and ask him why he was doing this to me. What did I do? What was I going to do now?

I needed to hear it from him so without wasting any second, I took the secret passageway to LEVEL 2. I was stuck in that passageway for a while because I didn't know how to enter LEVEL 2 through it. While I was struggling to get out of there, I heard Romulus and it made me stop everything and just listen.

"Is that slide ready?" Romulus demanded. His voice sounded a bit deeper and heavier.

"Yes," Filth answered.

"What about the test tubes?"

"I've washed them,"

"I still can't find the expensive ones," Romulus reminded him. I could almost imagine Filth swallowing hard at this. He didn't say anything for a while.

"Did you tell her?" Romulus asked after a while. A sea of chaos was slowly starting to rise inside me.

"Yes, sir," Filth replied. "But I don't understand... why are you doing this? I thought you—" Filth fell silent all of a sudden. I knew that Romulus had shushed him with one of his venomous glares.

"Did you return the ring?" Romulus asked next.

"Yes," Filth responded. I could almost hear the loath in his voice.

"Tell her to pack her bags. I have decided to send her back," Romulus declared, delivering the final blow.

"Are you sure?" Filth asked after a minute of silence.

"Yes," Romulus hissed. This was it. I turned around and ran back to my room. I didn't waste any time. I got straight to packing my bags. By the time Filth came upstairs to deliver the message to me, I was already ready to leave.

It was raining outside that night as I went downstairs with my single bad. Filth already had the carriage ready and waiting for me outside the house. My heart felt heavy as I stepped out of Romulus' house but I had taken my decision.

If he didn't want to see me then be it. I didn't want to do anything with him either. I opened the door and got inside the carriage only to find Romulus sitting in the same corner as that night. I froze, unable to believe my eyes at first.

He was sitting there, still like a statue, looking out of the window but I was sure that he was aware of me. I slammed the door a bit too loudly. He didn't say anything as the carriage started rolling.

I sank deeper into my seat as I continued to glare at him while at the same time, wanting to fling myself at him and demand all the answers from him. This odd silence stretched between the two of us for the whole ride.

I was dying to say something to him but my pride made me swallow all my words. I just resorted to glaring at him, hoping that it would make him speak up but it didn't. At one point, I gave up and finally let the tears out while looking out of the window.

We weren't far from my uncle's house. It was all starting to come back to me. That night when he'd told me that he didn't want to see me again, followed by the evening earlier when he promised me that he wasn't going to send me back. All the memories one after the other were already starting to come back to me. With each memory, my heart broke more and more.

I was reminiscing the night when I first saw him when the carriage stopped with a jerk, making me snap out of the memories. I noticed that we were already standing in front of my Uncle's house. My captor still remained silent.

I got up to leave when I finally saw him move. He reached inside his coat and pulled out an envelope before holding it in front of me.

"I wouldn't bother you again," He spoke. There was no hint of any emotion on his face or in his voice. I looked at the envelope and then at him. I was fuming with anger. I wanted to cry. I wanted to say so many things to him.

Instead, I got out of the carriage in the rain, without taking the envelope or saying anything. As I faced my uncle's house. I heard the carriage door close behind me before it drove away. I swallowed my tears as I headed towards the door. Even though it felt like everything had ended for me, deep down something was telling me that this wasn't the end.

Just yet.




Thank you for reading this far and don't be disheartened. Mr Night's story hasn't ended yet. There would be a sequel. I had planned to have three books in the series. Though, I wouldn't be posting them in the near future because I have planned to edit Mr Night and add a few more things to it from the second book because I realized recently that the second book seems a bit too crowded with all the things that I had added to it.

So, it would take time. Please, be patient and besides that, I just feel like taking a break from the current series that I have been working on.

btw if you loved Mr Night then you should definitely check out my new romance and drama book - The Priestess' Affair. 

thanks for reading <3

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