𝟓𝟕| 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡

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As soon as the first shot was heard, more shots followed. Soon it was raining with bullets in the courtyard.

"They have been informed," Romulus gritted under his breath before everything was drowned in chaos. The men who had come with Romulus moved towards the gate of the building before kicking it open and entering it without waiting for anything or anyone. I followed them along with Romulus inside the factory. There were already some creatures there who were instantly shot down.

Things became bloody quickly. From the backside, another group of Romulus' men entered the factory but to counter them, there was already an army waiting here. It soon turned into a full-fledged war.

I found myself frozen there again, not knowing what to do until a firm hand held mine and tugged me away from there. When I didn't seem to move at first, the hand tugged hard at me and it finally got me moving. I turned ahead to see Romulus leading me somewhere.

"We need to find the key," He told me as I was about to ask him where he was taking me. He was leading me somewhere deeper inside the factory, holding a revolver in one hand and holding my hand in the other. For the time being, he had handed me his staff as we moved deeper into the factory which was slowly starting to feel more and more like a labyrinth. He shot down a couple of creatures who came our way.

"Are you sure it's here?" I asked him as he led me into an old storeroom.

"It has to be here," He asserted, looking around while still holding my hand. He must have forgotten that he was still holding my hand. After looking around the place, he led me through a door at the corner of the room.

"How are you so sure about this place?" I couldn't help but ask him even though I knew that all I would get from him was a vague answer but I was fairly surprised when he answered, "I used to work here a long ago," while leading me down a narrow corridor which split into two at the end.

"Go that way and find the office," He told me while handing me his heavy revolver and taking his staff from me. I was shocked but I kept moving with the gun in my hand even though I didn't know how to use it. Down the hallway, I was met with three doors. One was locked, the second one led to another hallway and the third one— it was an office. I was about to call Romulus but then decided to not waste any time and start looking for the keys already even though I didn't know what the keys looked like.

Romulus came looking for me after a while before he helped me search for the keys as well. As we went through everything in the office, upturning everything on our way, Romulus started to grow more and more impatient as the time passed by and this was really making me anxious.

"It's not here," He gritted when we were done looking through everything in that office. With that, he stormed out of the office. I followed him hot on his tail. We went the other way. Romulus was taking such long strands. I had to jog in order to keep up with him through I almost ran into him as he stopped abruptly. I froze when I looked ahead of him.

A man was standing in front of us. I almost didn't recognise him at first.

"Edward?" I whispered.

"It's long since we had you here," Edward spoke to Romulus with a sly smile. Meanwhile, I stood there trying to remember if Romulus actually killed Edward or not. I remember when I snuck into LEVEL 1 for the first time, I accidentally found Romulus and Filth interrogating Edward. I thought they had 'gotten rid' of him but here he was, standing in front of us, alive.

"And you've brought some company too," He commented, looking at me.

"Where is it, Edward?" Romulus demanded angrily.

"Why do you think that I would tell you that?"

"I spared your life once, I wouldn't commit the same mistake again," Romulus gritted.

"Then I must do my best to make you regret sparing my life," Edward growled before he started changing into an animal. I watched with wide eyes but Romulus soon stepped in front of me, blocking the view before taking the sword out of his staff, "Go and find the key. I will deal with him," He told me as Edward came charging towards us. I could feel my heart thrashing against my chest as I saw Romulus fight with that animal.

I wanted to stay but I decided to go and find the keys because I wanted to be out of that place as soon as possible. I turned on my heels and ran. I reached another storeroom but this was still in use because a lot of goods were laying around, waiting to be packed and shipped. He had told me to find a safe so I instantly started searching for it. Meanwhile, I heard some chilling noises coming from outside.

It made me worry about Romulus. Though I tried not to think too much about him as I searched for any sign of a safe in that huge storeroom. It took me almost forever until I came across a board on a wall. I wasn't able to read properly what was written on the board but I could guess that it was some sort of a timetable for the workers here. The board looked normal but the place it was hung was not convincing for me.

Usually, something like this would be hung where every worker would be able to see it, yet it was hung in a corner that was dimply lit and not easily visible.

As I contemplated if I should try to reach up to it and see if there's anything behind it, I heard some noises coming from outside the storeroom. Someone was trying to come in through the door that probably opened at the back of the factory where things would be loaded on wagons before dispatching. Without wasting any time, I found a chair before reaching for the board. I struggled to take it off the wall for a bit because it was heavy and I couldn't get it off the hook but as the banging on the door got louder, I became more determined.

Rising on my toes, I used all the energy in my body to push the board up so that it was completely off the hook before letting it fall to the ground with a loud thud which produced clouds of dust on the floor. My eyes lit up to finally find the safe but it was still higher up, away from my reach. Meanwhile, the banging on the door got louder and louder. Whoever it was, they were really determined to get in.

My hands were shaking as I reached for Romulus' revolver. As I pointed it to the door, the door was slammed down and from there, appeared a guard, ready to shoot me but even before I could do anything, he collapsed on the ground with his face covered in blood

I instantly spotted Romulus holding a gun up. I didn't miss how his shirt was stained with blood but he didn't seem to care as he hurried towards me with his eyes on the safe.

"Do you know how to open it?" I asked him. I was only an expert on picking the locks on the door. I wasn't sure about the safes yet.

"Yes," He replied as he gently helped me down the chair before stepping on it and reaching for the safe. Meanwhile, I clutched the revolver and watched his back. As he was busy opening the safe, I heard a couple of footsteps nearing the storeroom. My whole body was shaking as I pointed the revolver at the storeroom's entrance, waiting for whoever it was to emerge.

I could hear Romulus' watch tick as the footsteps got closer. I heard some clicking noises as Romulus turned the dial on the safe and opened it. I still had my eyes at the entrance so I couldn't see what was in the safe but by the growl that Romulus let out, I was sure that the key wasn't in that safe. Meanwhile, the footsteps got closer and closer and as Romulus slammed the safe door out of frustration, a man entered the storeroom.

My heart stopped beating for a second while my eyes widened. I could see my expressions mirrored on that man's face as well. I couldn't believe my eyes at first but it had to be him because as soon as Romulus saw him, he jumped from the chair and chased him. The man turned on his heels and ran out of the storeroom with Romulus chasing him. Meanwhile, I stood there, more shocked than ever.

It was that Godwick's servant whom I thought Romulus had murdered the night I first saw him.


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