# CHAPTER 12 #

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Hope you all will enjoy this.


"I won't be able to make it out alive by the end of the next month."
Wen Qing was speechless. She never thought that Wei Wuxian could be such an idiot.
"Wei Wuxian, did you think that I don't know about the reason for your bad health?" Wen Qing asked through her clenched teeth.
"How did you know? Did Xue Yang tell you?" Wei Wuxian questioned back.
"So what if he tell me? It is not important."
"Wen Qing, you have to unders..."
"Understand what? That you love Lan Wangji or that he doesn't love you back?" Wen Qing spat.
"He loves me." Wei Wuxian affirmed.
"Loves you....?" Wen Qing mocked. "Wei Wuxian, for how long are you going to live in your dreams?"
"Wen Qing, you don't understand. Today, Lan Zhan spoke to me. He said that he still loves me. He said that he still....."
"He wasn't totally sober." Wen Qing cut him off.
Wei Wuxian words got stucked.
"Wh...what do you me...mean?" Wei Wuxian asked hesitantly, afraid to know the truth.
"It means that even if he spoke to you, for him it was just a dream. No more no less."
Wei Wuxian's breath hitched. How could it be.... Like this?
"Impossible.... Lan Zhan was sober. He... He even kissed me. He couldn't be dreaming. It is impossible. R...right?"
"Wei Wuxian." Wen Qing's call made him come back to reality.
"There is a limit for everything." Wen Qing said, "Even if Lan Wangji likes you, you still can't sacrifice yourself for him."
"It is not...."
"It is." Wen Qing cut him off again. "If it is not sacrifice, then what do you say for transferring another's curse onto yourself."
"Wen Q...."
"Shut up. Let me speak. Someone deliberately cursed Madam Lan. So she could only live for maximum a year. So you transferred that curse onto yourself. And since you transferred it to yourself, you cannot live for an year, but only for just three months. And now, you are going to transplant your golden core which will make your life span shorter and that is only a month, maximum."
"Shut up. I told you to listen. You care so much about Lan Wangji who doesn't even care for you but have you thought about others who care for you. Well, forget all of us. What about your brother? He cares so much about you."
"I know but...."
"You know nothing. And that is the only reason why you are sacrificing each and every single thing of yours to that Lan Wangji who doesn't even know to treasure it."
"Wen Qing, please. Listen to me this once."
"I don't want to li...."
"Lan Zhan is the love of my life." Wei Wuxian continued, without acknowledging Wen Qing, "He was. He is. He will ever be. I cannot forget him no matter what. I cannot dislike him fir any reason. Lan Zhan was the one to teach me what real happiness is. He was the one who taught me what loneliness is. He was the one who taught me what longing is. And he was the one who taught what love is. He didn't teach any of these by words nor by his actions. But he made me feel it. And I loved it."
"As you said, Lan Zhan doesn't care about me but that doesn't mean that I too shouldn't care about him. His feelings are his and my feelings are mine. Even if he doesn't reciprocate it, it is still worth it. I don't regret transferring his mother's curse onto me nor will I ever regret transferring my core into him. As long as his lips could curl upwards, even if it is a little, I would give anything for him. Anything, anytime, anyhow and at every cost. He is all worth it."
Wen Qing clenched her fists. She was so angry. But she managed to control it.
"Wei Wuxian... It is not...."
Wei Wuxian fell on his knees. Wen Qing staggered backwards.
"Wei Wuxian, what are you...."
"Lady Wen, I know core transferring is hard. It had never been done before. But I beg you to try it. I will be happy if it get success. But I will never blame you if anything goes wrong. And I shall never forget your help for my life."
Wen Qing was dumbfounded. What must she do?
After contemplating for a long while, Wen Qing gave in.
"Alright. I will do my best."
Wei Wuxian who had been kneeling this whole while, bowed down.
"And I will remember it." He promised.

Wei Wuxian came back to his room and found Lan Wangji still unconscious. He went up to the other and sat beside him on the bed.
"Lan Zhan, I am sorry." He said, tears in his eyes.
"I had always wanted to be your cultivational partner. But it is no longer possible. And I don't think you will want me even if I had a golden core. So I don't regret it." His tears were now making the bed sheets wet. But he didn't care.
"Lan Zhan, Wen Qing said that you weren't sober enough when you spoke with me today. I don't know if I should be happy or sad. But it's alright, Lan Zhan. Because either way, nothing is going to change. So I don't really mind. But Lan Zhan, I want you to remember something. Remember that I will always love you. I will always be there for you."

Meng Yao was sitting by the window when a talisman appeared. He was finally happy to see it but when he read the content, his face turned beet red with anger.
"Lan Wangji survived."
"How can it be? It's impossible. Unless...... A-xian saved him!"
Meng Yao smashed the vase that was nearby him. He cannot always loose!

A week later.

Everything was in a blur. He couldn't see anything properly.
"Where am I? Who brought me here?"
Lan Wangji was deep in his thoughts and registering his surroundings that he failed to notice that someone had come in and was standing beside the bed. And when he saw who that was....
"X...Xue Yang.."
"You are awake." Xue Yang said.
"W....where am I?"
"Well, I brought you to the mountain where Boashan Sanren lives."
"Boashan Sanren?" Lan Wangji questioned. He was confused.
"Yes. I heard that your core was destroyed. So I brought you here to restore it."
Lan Wangji shot up. He looked up at Xue Yang and asked,
"It can be restored?"
"Yes. She is an immortal after all."

Lan Wangji was speechless. His core could be restored? He didn't quite know what to say. So.... His efforts and hard works didn't go for waste? Lan Wangji was far beyond happy.

"Why are you doing this to me?" He asked.
"Well, you were once my family."
"Thank you."
"Save it."
With that Xue Yang left. He'd rather be anywhere else than here. Looking his brother seeking his own death. But he couldn't leave his brother all alone. He wanted and will be beside his brother anything for anything.

"Wei Wuxian, are you alright?" Wen Qing asked panic evident in her voice.
"Ge..." Xue Yang screamed. But nothing worked.
Wei Wuxian kept on spitting blood.  It was only after a long while that Wen Qing was able to stop it. But she knew very well that it wasn't for very long.

Wei Wuxian had transferred his golden core to Lan Wangji and it's been a day already. But the blood wouldn't stop oozing out.
Wei Wuxian looked at the handkerchief. His blood was more black than red. He muttered for himself,

"Looks like... I won't be able to make it out alive by the end of this month."


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Stay safe and healthy!
Have a great day!


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