# CHAPTER 50 #

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"Rich-gege! Here, this tastes really good!"

A-Yuan extended a spoon toward Lan Wangji, a huge grin plastered on his little face. Wei Wuxian laughed, lifting the boy onto his lap.

"Aiyah, don't bother him. Rich-gege doesn't like spicy food anyway." He said, ruffling his hair. A-Yuan buried his head affectionately into his chest, letting out a quiet sigh. Lan Wangji smiled silently, watching the child try to stay awake. Wei Wuxian seemed to notice his behavior too, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"Alright little one. Time to go to bed, I think."

Wei Wuxian stood up, cradling the boy in his arms. He glanced at Lan Wangji, motioning to a small hut just outside of the large cave in the center of the Burial Mounds.

"I think that A-Yuan wants Rich-gege to come with."

The youngster nodded sleepily, reaching his tiny hands for him. He gave a pout, beginning to look quite like the man holding him.

"A-Yuan wants Rich-gege to come with" He echoed, resting his head on Wei Wuxian's shoulder. Lan Wangji closed his eyes. Who was he to refuse such an invitation?

Wei Wuxian tucked a blanket around an already sleeping A-Yuan. Though he was in a deep slumber, the boy held an iron grip on Lan Wangji's hand, refusing to let go. No matter how hard he tried to pull away, he simply would not release him. Spotting the befuddled expression on the other's face, Wei Ying tried desperately to stifle his laughter.

"What a shame." He whispered, leaning into his broad chest. "I guess I'm no longer the favorite. He never does that to me."

Rubbing his eyes, Wei Wuxian sought to muffle a yawn.

"Aiyah, I guess I'm more tired than I thought..."

He snuggled down next to A-Yuan, gathering him up in his arms. Feeling a tug at his sleeve, Lan Wangji lay beside the two, turning to face Wei Wuxian.

"Wei Ying."


"You didn't eat anything. Do you feel okay?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm a little nauseous is all. I'll be fine."

Noticing the worried look Lan Wangji still wore, he waved his hand in a carefree manner.

"Aiyah, don't look so worried. Here, gimmie your hand."

Following his request, Lan Wangji presented his hand to Wei Wuxian. He grabbed it and placed it on his stomach.

"If you really are worried, you can just transfer some spiritual to me from time to time."

Wei Wuxian leaned over the sleeping child, kissing his cheek.

"Night, Lan Zhan. You don't have to stay if A-Yuan lets go of you."

And with that, he fell asleep, curling around the little one alongside him.

Lan Wangji didn't move an inch. His hand remained on Wei Wuxian's stomach, stroking it gently. He did send the occasional pulse of spiritual energy to the younger man, though, judging by the expression on his face, it had hardly any effect. After one particularly strong dosage, he paused. Moving his hand lower, he found the familiar sensation of a golden core. Though...golden cores resided in the upper torso, not the lower abdomen, and Wei Wuxian had transferred his to Lan Wangji. There was no known way to re-form a core which ruled that out as a possibility. However...

His eyes widened, palm pressing into Wei Wuxian's stomach. There was only one explanation left. Sometimes, if their cultivation level was high enough, male cultivators had the ability to impregnate other men. Admittedly, this was still ridiculously difficult. Even Jin Guangshan would struggle with such a task, despite the fact he could probably build an army with the amount of illegitimate children he'd fathered. To do such a thing during the first time they'd ever had sex, let alone completely inadvertently, was virtually unheard of.

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