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The morning sun had not even risen on the horizon when Lord Rowan left the Inn. It was cold and foggy once again when he walked into the stable where his slaves still slept.

His eyes seemed to fixate on Mariann once he turned the corner, who was still curled up in between the hay. Her lashes rested gently on her relaxed face as she calmly inhaled and exhaled. Her long hair had spread around her covering her partially.

For some reason, he couldn't seem to dissolve his thoughts about this woman in particular.

He had to be more careful, he thought. He still couldn't trust them, until he finally knew that they really were powerless.

"Wake up," Rowan said as everyone started shifting and sitting up.

Today he was going to test them all, by force.

Commanding them to follow him immediately, everyone hurried after him still sleep dazed.

Once again they made their way over the meadow they had come from yesterday and into the woods. Mariann arms were traced with goosebumps by the cold morning air.

Wondering about where they were going Alec caught up to Lord Rowan, to ask.

Instead of answering Lord Rowan stopped walking, looked over his shoulder, and glared at the boy. Alec immediately turned quiet, almost afraid of punishment.

Had he said something wrong? The fact that his master was giving him the cold shoulder scared him.

Continuing in silence, they walked deep into the forest, when the Lord finally stopped and turned to them standing in between a few trees.

"Monor...," he looked at him sternly, "Come with me. The rest of you stay put."

Subconsciously putting his left hand on his sheathed sword he continued, "No one leaves, no matter what."

Everyone nodded, as he looked at them individually one last time before leaving with Monor, who's name Mariann now knew.

Mariann, Laria, and Alec all sat down to wait. Mariann was nervous, anxious even. The sudden change in her master's behavior was worrying her and not knowing what they were doing or where they were heading was not her place to ask but it would have been nice to know. Her gut feeling was anything but good.

Ages seem to have passed when an ear-numbing sound echoed through the woods. The three of them flinched and slowly but loudly they could see a tree fall over in the direction where the two had gone off too. The ground seemed to shake.

"What's happening?!" Alec asked visibly frightened.

Was there a fight going on?

Mariann thought about going to check on her master. Her heart raced as she tried thinking of any possible explanation for what was going on.

"No matter what." Her master's words echoed in her head.

Trying to calm herself as well she answered, "I have no idea, but I'm sure everything will be alright."

Another loud noise echoed through the woods. She could feel the ground trembling, as sweat began forming on her forehead.

Then came silence.

A LORD'S WEAKNESSWhere stories live. Discover now