13. PAIN

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Mariann still couldn't move using her own will when they arrived at the king's castle. She'd been under the Lord's control for the entire time.

Although she couldn't look to the sides and only straight ahead the castle had proportions that were unreal to her.

A group of servants and knights had come to greet Lord Rowan as he got off his horse, making Mariann do the same.

"The King has been expecting you, Lord Rowan," the head servant said gracefully bowing.

"Yes I will go to him immediately," he said in a serious tone, wanting to leave, but turning to Mariann as he remembered her.

"Please chain my slave to the stables until I return," his brows fell deep as he looked at her threateningly before turning to leave up a large set of stairs in the company of everyone, except for one of the knights.

After hours on end, his powers on her finally let up as she tried stretching but was rudely interrupted by the knight dragging her to the side. Not being able to see any part of his body through the shining armor made him seem inhuman.

The kings' castle seemed to have no end as she was dragged and yanked through various gardens and hallways and doors.

Finally, she was pushed into a stable with one of many horses. Using a heavy metal ring the knight chained her foot to a wall.

He turned, his metal suit clinking and clanking as he disappeared out of her sight.

Feeling sorry for herself she looked at the cold metal around her foot. There was no way she was getting it off without a key.

At least she could move again she thought as she stretched her arms and legs.

She'd pondered on her master and his words the entire way here. He was not different from her previous Masters and she'd finally realized that. Trying to reach out to him for understanding had been weak and silly of her after he found out about her powers.

She would not forget her place from now on but she would also not give him the satisfaction of being a good slave.

The horse a few meters away turned to her and shook its mane.

Her stomach still growled and her limbs still hurt.

So she closed her eyes and finally rested. Something she desperately needed.


When Rowan entered the kings' main hall, he saw his King on his throne. He was paler and thinner than before and he looked tired.

Walking down the large hall the Lord knelt on one leg in front of the steps that led up to the King.

"Greeting, your highness," Rowan said not standing up as usual after bowing.

"I wish to express my sincerest apologies for not coming sooner." His words were honest and his guilt unbearable.

Although upset King Ameer was happy to finally see Rowan. "Stand and explain yourself," he said lifting his hand.

Rowan did as he was told, "I had received word of a fire-wielder on my land, and finding him took longer than expected."

Looking the king straight into the eyes he thought about how many details he should use. "One the way back to my manor I was attacked by another wielder, with exceptional strength."

A LORD'S WEAKNESSWhere stories live. Discover now