Day 5

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 Twin Troubles

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Twin Troubles

In this story, Marinette and Brigette are twin sisters.

Marinette had decided Damian at the manor like he had done for her in Paris spoiler for a one-shot what she had not known was that Damian had friends (not that he would ever admit it) over to work on a school project for history.

Marinette had just rung the doorbell and the door opened and in front of her stood Alfred Pennyworth the family butler. "Hello Alfred, how have you been?" she asked politely as the butler led her into the manor.

"I have been well, and how have you been?" he asked, leading her up the stairs to which would end up being Damian's room. "I'm good Alfred is Damian here," she asked him and he nodded.

"Surprising the young master in attempts at revenge now are we young mistress," he asked with a smirk on his face. "Maybe and I missed him," she said. "Master Damian is in his room, call out for me if you require anything at all.'' He said as she went to open the door but turned back to thank the butler but he was gone like he was never there.

"Thanks," she said into an empty hallway, Alfred had heard her from the stairs. Marinette knocked on the door after hearing a come-in. She opened the door to see Damian sitting at his desk typing away on his computer missing the fact that Brigette and Felix were sitting on the couch building something.

"Can I help you Pennyworth?" he asked not looking up from whatever he was working on. "I'm pretty sure my name isn't Pennyworth but I could always check," Marinette said with a grin on her face.

Damian's hold flew up from the computer screen to look behind him where his girlfriend stood. "Angel what are you doing here shouldn't you be in Paris?" he asked as he hugged her.

"I'm here for the weekend and I missed you '' she said into his warm chest, they heard a throat clearing from behind them. They both turned around to see Felix and Brigette.

Brigette's face went from curious to who the mysterious stranger was to shock to see who was standing there.

"Mari, what are you doing here?" Brigette asked to steal her from Damian, hugging her tightly. "I came to surprise Dami, I completely forgot you lived here Bri or I would have come to see you," Marinette said to her older sister.

"You two know each other?" Felix asked, curious as was Damian, at how the two knew each other. But seeing them stand next to each other they were identical and it would have been hard to tell them apart if they were not wearing different outfits.

"Of course I know her love she's my twin, Mari I want you to meet my boyfriend Felix.'' She said the two went over to each other and shook hands. "If it isn't the I love you girl," Felix said with a smirk.

"If it isn't the grumpy gremlin," Marinette said smugly, Brigette tried so hard to cover up her laugh but she couldn't help herself from laughing at the name her sister had given Felix it had fit him perfectly.

Felix glared at Marinette, "what do you mean 'I love you girl'? " Damian questioned the two "oh nothing she just confessed to my cousin but he never saw the message but I, on the other hand, did," Felix said smugly.

Marinette looked ready to lunge at Felix "I'm going to kill you Felix '' she yelled, going to chase him but Damian held her back, "Angel if I can not kill the imbeciles, you can not kill him" Damian said holding her.

Marinette groaned and sighed "fine, but I will get my revenge,"  she said through gritted teeth. The entire time they had argued Brigette had been standing there recording the whole thing.

"You know that was the funniest thing I've ever seen you do sis and not to mention you look like you're ready to kill Fe '' Brigette said watching the two.

"That's exactly what I plan to do," she said, trying to get out of her boyfriend's grasp. "There will be no killing of the sort now I brought tea and biscuits," Alfred said, surprising everyone.

He walked to the coffee table they were all standing around and placed down a tray that had four teacups and saucers along with a teapot and a plate of biscuits they all turned to look for Alfred but he was gone.

The four looked at each other and took a cup of tea and drank the hot tea "Angel, were you going to tell me you had a twin?" Damina asked out of curiosity about the knowledge they had found out earlier.

"In all honesty, I would have told you but I completely forget sorry Bri '' Marinette said looking at her sister sheepishly "you're forgiven, for now, but when did this happen," Brigette said pointing between the two.

Brigette and Felix had known Damian had been seeing someone; they would always see him smile when looking at his phone and would always sneak off to talk to them over the phone.

They had asked if Claude, Allegra, or John knew who he was talking to but none of them knew. "I met Dami when he was in Paris and we kept running into each other till we realised that Audrey was getting me to design the Waynes suit for the Paris Winter gala which was also a charity event that they had come here for." Marinette saw Brigette nodding along to what she had said.

Felix was watching with an intrigued look to find out where this was going and Damian had the corner of his lips up and seemed happy as she was telling the story.

"I had been asked to check the suits after they were all tried on and to see if any minor details were to be changed and Damian was the last suit to check, it was perfectly fine. As I was going to leave he called out to me and asked to take me to dinner that night and I said yes.

Turned out he was in Paris for another month while the rest of his family were heading back to Gotham and he was going to help at the french Wayne Enterprises, so we kept seeing each other and before he left he asked me to be his girlfriend" Marinette told the story a small blush creeping onto her face.

"Aww that's so sweet, but you hurt her even slightly I hurt you" Brigette threatened Damian, he knew she couldn't hurt him he was an ex assassin after all. But she never would hurt Marinette that he would make sure of, so he nodded to her words.

"So how did you and the gremlin get together?" Marinette asked, taking a sip of her tea. "Well I ran into him by accident which he wasn't exactly the nicest about but it was his first day of school here so I let it go.

We were later assigned to be partners for something and we didn't exactly get along so we made a compromise he would do half and would do half, blah blah we soon became friends and when it was a few days before prom he asked me out at the park he had lots of roses and said a really sweet speech and I said yes and we both had feelings for each other and admitted to each other after prom and then he asked me out" Bridgette finished her story looking away or try and hide her blushing cheeks.

"Awww the gremlin is a romantic who would have thought someone so grumpy could be sweet" Marinette teased.

Hey guys,

So how was the chapter? well today I decided to go with a quote

I thought this was really cute and the message was sweet and has a great meaning behind it

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I thought this was really cute and the message was sweet and has a great meaning behind it.

Daminette DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now