Day 29

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Marinette and Damian are actors that have been actors in the new tv show Miraculous Ladybug. They are doing an interview for the show. This will be based on Felix and Brigette as Marinette and Adrein. Felix will have Adrien's personality.

"Hello everyone, today we have two special guests joining us Damian Wayne and Marinette Dupain Cheng" the host announced, with the two walking in taking a seat on the couch across from her.

"We're so happy to be here" Marinette said and Damian nodded agreeing with her.

"So am, I and your fans have a few questions for you, if you're up to it" Liz the host told them.

"We would be more than happy to" Damian. "So you both play the main characters, Damian you play Felix Agreste the superhero Chat Noir and Marinette you play Brigette Fu the superhero Ladybug. Could you tell us about your characters?" Liz asked them and they nodded.

"Like you said I play Felix Agreste, he is a model, with a very overprotective father and he has lost his mother." Damian began. "He is a very happy child who is a very kind and all around sunshine child" Domain starts off.

"His father is a fashion designer and Felix is a model for him and the heartthrob of Paris, hsi father has home schooled him his whole life, but one day he sneaks out and tries to go to public school as the new year has begun, he makes to the entrance of the school before he stopped by his fathers assistant" he says.

"He gets back home and tries again the next day, but just after roll call a monster burst through the school angry over something, but had the voice of their classmate. Everyone rushes home when he gets there he finds a box. Thanks to what was in the box he becomes a superhero who loves to have fun and make jokes and has a best friend" Damisn says.

"What was in the box?" Liz asks "I would love to say but I rather leave that a mystery" he said with a grin. "Well now we have to watch the series, what about your character Marinette?" Liz asks.

"Well I play Brigette Fu, she is the daughter of two bakers and just a normal teenager" she says.

"Bridgette is a shy, fun kind person who has a bubbly personality and is very clumsy; she wishes to be a fashion designer when she's older," Marinette tells her.

"Like all students she goes to school but is often late. She has a bully who is the mayor's daughter and they hate each other with a passion. Anyway like Damian said the monster attacks teh classroom all students rush home" Marinette says
"She gets home and finds a box just like Felix on her desk, seh opens it and has been given the chance to become a superhero but she keeps doubting herself and thinking she can't do adn that she isn't cut out to play her." Marinette tell her

"So what does she do?" Liz asks curious

"Well she trust her gut and uses what's in the box to become the superhero Ladybug, who is bold, confident and sassy" Marinette

"Wow, that's amazing, I have a couple questions from fans, and the first one is what's your favourite line and why" she reads

"Wow the only line I can think of is from episode one and that's because we don't film the episodes in order we just do them in any order and we're always changing costumes and things' ' Marinette says and Damian nods along.

"My favourite would have to be.." Damian begins trying to think of a line " 'well hey there nice for you to drop in' this was the line Ladybug and Chat Noir say when they first met and ladybug fell through the sky like in the trailer." eh explains

"I'm guessing this is where the duo meet and go to stop the villain?" Liz asks and she receives two nodes in return.

"My favourite would be 'I hate the first day back at school' because on the first day it's really awkward when you have no idea what anyone's name is and it's hard as we're not used to it," Marinette explains.

"So true, I felt the same way as a kid" Liz agrees.

"We have time for one final question, in the show you're the main couple that's stuck in a love square right" Liz asks "yeah between heroes and civilians" Damian says.

"In real life are you together and don't try and deny we have this image and it wasn't taken on set but outside at a park" Liz said and brought up a picture of the two kissing.

The two's cheeks turned red, "yeah we're together" Marinette admitted.

"Aww that's so cute and #Daminette is trending, welp that's all the time we have tuned in next time for an inside scoop of the latest shows and movies goodnight" Liz said ending the interview.

Hey guys,

How was it? I wanted to try something different and here is the outcome, so let's get to the question of the day, which is...

Question: How has your day been?

Enjoy reading :)

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