Day 14

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Sleep is for the weak

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Sleep is for the weak

Marinette and Damian are twins

The week before Bruce's only daughter had come to visit he had made sure that Tim dfrank no coffee and got some sleep; he didn't want to hear another hour's worth of a lecture from Marinette about how children shouldn't have coffee. Sometimes it still surprised him that Damian and Marinette are twins.

Bruce's perspective

All the boys were lined up in the lobby waiting for her to arrive, she would be here any second now from the airport, Alfred had been tasked to go and pick her up. Tim walked into the room not looking sleep deprived for once.

I had to get the boys to take and find every single coffee machine, energy drinks and anything even closely related to that. Tim had been sent to bed after that but that didn't mean he went to sleep. He had stayed up on his computer watching Netflix. When Bruce had gone to check up on Tim, he found a boy watching something on his computer in the dark while eating ice cream.

In the end he gave Tim a sedative to get him to sleep and he ended up sleeping for almost two days.

Marinette's perspective

The last thing I remember was grabbing another cup from the coffee shop near the airport exit, now I was in the limo on the way home. Soon we pulled up at the front of the manor.

Alfred opened the door for me and after I got out he walked to the back of the limo and grabbed out my bags.

I walked up into the manor to see all the boys standing in a line and father making sure they all looked perfect, "what's the occasion?" I ask, taking a sip of my coffee leaning against the front door.

As I say that Alfred walks in with my bags. I only brought two seeing as we could just buy whatever I was missing. That and I already had stuff here.

I look up at my family and they all see me with smiles, except Damian who had a blank face as usual. The boys all ran over and trapped mr under them giving me hugs, I was lucky I had a lid on my coffee or I would have got it everywhere.

"Boys get off of her, I want to see my daughter" he said and the boys got off quickly, father came over and hugged me, "I missed you, you left me with these 4" he said and a bunch of offended heys were heard.

"Better you than me," I said from inside his arms. As father lets go of me, I see an odd look on his face. "Is that coffee?" he asks, gesturing to the cup in my hand.

"Yeah, why?" I was unsure where this was going. "Aren't you a little young for that?" he said taking the cup which Tim took from him instantly downing the whole "oh how I missed the sweet taste of coffee" he said "young masters shall we have lunch now that we are all here" he said.

By the time lunch had finished everyone was no longer hungry and wanted to watch a movie seeing that it was winter in Gotham and there was snow everywhere.

3rd person

Jason and Dick were sitting on one of the couches and Tim was sitting on the arm chair sipping away on a cup of coffee. That left the others on the couch with Marinette in the middle.

Not even 10 minutes into the movie Marinette was falling asleep, "are you tired mon chou, you can go to sleep" Bruce said to his daughter.

"No, I didn't stay up this long for nothing" she said, Dick had paused the movie to look at Marinette.

By this point Marinette was half asleep and she was talking without any filter whatsoever, so everything she said was the honest truth.

"How long have you been awake?" Bruce asked about being the world's greatest detective.

"About a 12....17....26....32...47....49..51...54 hours I think" she said and all their eyes widened except Tim who was used to staying up that late.

"Marinette, I think I have grey hairs now," Bruce said, looking at his daughter, the only responsible or close child in the family.

"I think you should go to bed mon chou" Bruce said lifting the girl up

"No!!" she said putting up a fight

"Why not?" Jason asked as to why she wanted to stay up this late.

"Sleep is for the weak" Marinette mumbled falling asleep up against her fathers chest

"I agree with her 100%" Tim said

"We should have a protest !!!" Tim said

"I'll make the signs" an asleep Marinette said

Bruce just sighed how did this even happen "there isn't going to be a protest and both of you are going to bed." he said carrying a sleeping Marinette to her room.

Hey guys,

What do you think of today's chapter? Anyway I have a random question for today so let's get to it...

Question: What's your favourite drink?

Enjoy reading :)

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