Day 19

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Game night

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Game night

Marinette and Damian are twins and this would be just after they arrived at the manor.

It was game night at Wayne Manor and this could be interning, normally Dick would loose at Monopoly by doing something stupid.

But this was the twins first game night and this would most likely end up with fighting and hopefully not with media involved.

So the whole family was sitting around in the living room as the boys grabbed a lot of boxes.

The twins just stared at them "what's cluedo?" Marinette asked. Dick gasped at her question.

"Have you ever played a board game before?" Tim asked them.

"Tt no why would we waste our time on board games when we could be training." He said with the usual blank expression.

"We definitely are playing Cluedo first," Dick says, putting the rest of the boxes on the ground.

"Father, what is cluedo?" Marinette asked as the other boys except Damian helped set up, they were each handed a sheet of paper and a pencil. (I've haven't played the actual version in a while so we're doing this off of Cluedo Junior

"Cluedo is a detective game adn you have to solve the case," he explained.

Time skip

The game soon ended with the twins winning, after that they played monopoly, which ended up with the twins tied for first place yet again. Every Game they played the twins were tied for first.

When they first were tied for cluedo they just thought it was beginner's luck but now they just kept coming tied for games they have never even played before.

So they decided to settle the score with a different type of game: a dancing game.

When they began the game both just stood there confused about what was happening so Tim and Jason played a round to show them how to play.

During this they made a bet to find out who was the better twin, by winning this game.

They both stepped onto the game and the second the music began they were off not even sparing the other a glance.

"Who knew the twins could dance, let alone this well?" Tim said, staring at them. They hadn't missed a single bit and we're going so fast.

"The fact that the demonspawn can dance is surprising" Jason said watching.

The song ended and they both turned to each other and said "I win" the both said.

They checked each other's screens then their own, to find the exact same score.

"Welp you two are as good as the best in the house, you just bet dick's score" Tim said pointing to the sign that said new best.

"Tt I am still the better twin" Damian said crossing his arms over his chest.

"What did you say?" Marinette said in a deadly quiet voice, she had pulled down on his ear. He had let out a yelp and muttered an apology about being equals.

Tim had managed to catch the whole thing on video and was so using it as blackmail.

Hey guys,

So how was the chapter? In all honesty I started this a while back and forgot to finish it and didn't remember what I was going to do with this one shot so I figured it would give it an interesting ending. Now let's get onto the question of the day which is..

Question: What is your favourite board game?

Enjoy reading :)

Daminette DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now