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I cried into his chest

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I cried into his chest.

I don't know why I'm why I'm crying, but I can't stop it. I guess it's just the fatique dawning on me, combined with all the emotions.

Fortunately, Ethan tucks me close. He softly rocks me back and forth, kissing my hair and whispering sweet things to me. "You're okay, princess. You did so good, I'm proud of you."

I calm down a bit. He's proud of me? I hug him close, although my arms feel like pudding. He stands up, carrying me. He catches a blanket out of some closet and drapes it over me. I close my eyes contently.

It was very good, but I'm exhausted now. I hope they let me sleep a little... "Princess, we're taking a bath, okay?"

Sounds good. I yawn and nod, too tired to answer. When we arrive in the bathroom, the bath is already filled and the others are standing next to it. "She's tired," I hear Ethan say, but he's somewhere far away.

I must have made a sound, because suddenly, they're all looking at me. I blush. Jordan rolls his eyes. "Of course she's tired! D you even realize what she's just been through?"

I frown, opening my eyes. "Ethan did nothing wrong, Jordy." Jordan looks at me with a soft smile. "I know, baby. How are you feeling, except tired?"

I shrug, not having the energy for anything else. "Good, I guess." Ethan lets the blanket fall, exposing me for everyone. But they don't seem to care.

He slowly lowers me into the bathtub, and I sigh happily. The water is hot, and it's the best feeling ever. He joins me and pulls me onto his lap again. The others sit down next to the bathtub, and Aaron takes my hand in his.

I smile up at him, but feel my tired eyes close. I set my head against Ethan's chest, slowly drifting off. It's a good feeling, this. Being comfortable with all my guys, and feeling how much they care about me.

"Darling?" I hear Owen ask. I force myself to open my eyes and look at him. He smiles at me, making me automatically smile back. "I can make something to eat, if you want?"

I shake my head. All I want to do now, is sleep. "But thank you," I whisper, my voice so silent I don't know if he heard me. But he nods and smiles. "Anything for you."

With those words, I let myself fall asleep, surrounded by the guys I like the most in the whole world.


I wake up slowly.

I try to get up, but a hard chest above my head and strong arms around my waist hold me in place. I look up, happily. I slept so good!

It's Elijah, and he's sleeping too. I give him a kiss in his cheek, and he smiles. I play with his fingers. They're huge!

I look at my phone, seeing it's eleven am. It's Saturday, so we aren't in a rush. I close my eyes again, planning on snuggling a bit.

But just then I hear the door open. I peek one eye open, seeing it's Owen. I smile at him, but his smile drops when he sees me. I frown.

He comes closer and gives me a kiss. "I was planning on kissing you awake, but you're ahead of me again," he whispers, sighing. I cock an eyebrow at the sharpie in his hand. He grins. "For Elijah," he shrugs.

I giggle. "Do it now, before he wakes up!" His grin grows. "I fucking love that you're letting me do this, darling."

Why not? I watch as he draws a mustache and a beard on Elijah's face. He also draws a uni-brow. "Can I draw a heart?" I ask greedily.

He nods, giving me the sharpie. I draw a pretty little heart on Elijah's cheek, on his cheekbone. I just give it back to Owen when he wakes up. He's frowning, probably because of the amount of sunlight that's coming from his big window. We're in his room, I don't know how I came here.

His eyes widen when he sees the sharpie. He looks at my smile and rolls his eyes. "Of course you agreed to this," he grumbles, standing up and walking off to the bathroom. I look at Owen and count, "Three, two, one-"


We start laughing, and Owen's eyes glinster. I know he likes to prank the guys, and I think it's nice when he doesn't get yelled at for once. 

"Let's get you breakfast, darling," he winks and picks me up. We leave Elijah in his bathroom and he carries me to the kitchen. The others are already there, on their phones. I think they already ate...

Aaron looks up, grinning. "So what did you draw on his face now?" Owen chuckles, setting me down on the counter. While he's preparing some pancakes for me, he laughs. "Mustache, beard, uni-brow... The usual."

Aaron snickers. "Of course." But Owen smirks, "And Scarlett..." The two others look up with wide eyes too. "You drew on Elijah's face? You, Scarlett Hudson, who has a soft spot for Elijah?"

I flick out my tongue at Jordan. "I do not have a soft spot for him. I just understand him," I explain, but he just rolls his eyes. "Potato, potata."

Elijah comes in with a scowl on his face. I wave at him, but he glares at me. I shrug, looking back at Owen. He's smiling at me and gives me the pancakes with blueberries on. "Thank you, cutie," I smile.

He gives me a kiss and starts eating from the blueberries too. I let him, he's allowed. "You like 'em?" I ask, smiling. He looks up, and I burst out laughing. He has stuck at least ten blueberries in his mouth, and his cheeks looks like they're from a squirrel!

He chews on them and swallows, then shivers. "Worst things ever," he gags. I roll my eyes. "They're delicious," I scoff.

He smiles a soft smile and kisses my cheek. "You're right, I'm sorry. You're always right," wµhe whispers and lays his head in the nape of my neck. I hug him close.

I don't know why he needs hugs, but I'm happy to give them to him.


Quality time met Owen, em. Wees blij.

x- N

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