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I want Sunbeam

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I want Sunbeam.

It's only been two days, but I'm so worked up already I'm useless. I miss her. 

"Come on, Jordan," I complain. We're in an office, he's seated behind the desk. "We're already done with our work! What's the point in staying here?" I ask. He doesn't want to give in.

He rolls his eyes and looks up from his files. "Aaron, just because you're horny doesn't mean we can let our responsibilities falter." I gasp. "How dare you accuse me from that! I'm not horny!" I shout and stalk away, slamming the door closed.

Ethan looks at me with wide eyes before entering the office. "Woah, he's in a bad mood," I hear him mumble. Ah, fuck off.

Me: Hey Today, 3:12 pm

Sunbeam: Hiiiii Today, 3:12 pm

Me: I miss you Today, 3:13 pm

Sunbeam: I know, bby. Youve been saying that fifteen minutes ago too Today, 3:13 pm

I scowl. So?

Me: I still miss you Today, 3:14 pm

Sunbeam: God im enjoying this Today, 3:15 pm

Me: Do u miss me? :( Today, 3:15 pm

Sunbeam: You know I do Today, 3:16 pm

Sunbeam: Ive said that fifteen minutes ago too Today, 3:17 pm

Me: Just checking Today, 3:17 pm

Me: What r u doing? Today, 3:18 pm

Sunbeam: Cuddling Owen Today, 3:19 pm

I glare at my phone. Owen is fucking lucky to cuddle her. Fuck it, I'm gonna beg Jordan to go home. Again.:

I stalk in his office, not caring about Ethan. "We're going home," I snap. He just rolls his eyes. "Aaron-" "No, I want to go home."

Ethan decides to help me. "I want to go too, Jordy." Jordan scowls at the use of his real name. "Don't fucking call me that! And I don't care what you want, we can't."


"We've worked the whole night! Everything is settled, and we still can't go home?" My jaw drops. Ethan and I worked the whole night to finish our work earlier than planned.

"I said it's not possible!" Jordan yells. I take a step back. The fuck? Why is he so worked up? "Are you okay?" I ask. He sits down again and I see his walls crumble. "Yeah... it's just- it's my cousin. He's been calling me non-stop, he has a break up or something."

I frown. How is that our fault?

"And I miss Scarlett," he sighs. Ah. "Well then... we should go home," I push him. He glares at me and I gulp, hiding behind Ethan. "We have one more meeting, idiot. Then we'll go home."

I sigh. "With who?" He grimaces and rubs the back of his head. "It might be Greco?" I flinch at the mention of his name. "No. No! I can't do that," I plead. He sighs.

Lorenzo Greco has always been my weak spot. He had this problem with my parents a few years ago, and ever since he's been trying to get me. Or kill me, for that matter. I don't fear a lot of thing, but Greco is my number one. 

His men caught me once. When I wasn't head of our mafia and when I wasn't in touch with Jordan or the others. I've never been treated so bad in my life. Sure, I've had tortures, but Greco is just so cruel you want it to be over immediately. 

And it doesn't quite help I killed one of his men a few weeks ago... But he touched Scarlett and therefore, he must die. Greco just doesn't share that thought. 

"I'm sorry, man," Jordan sighs. He knows about this, yet he invited Greco? I shake my head, backing away. "No. I can't do this," I choke.

Greco will kill me the second he sees me.

I run out of the office. With trembling hands, I take out my phone.

Me: Sunbeam, I love you. I love you so much it hurts. And I want you to know that if I don't come back, I'll watch you from heaven. Or hell, where I'll probably go. But I'll look over you. Pinky promise. Take care of yourself. I love you, always and forever, Aaron. Today, 3:24 pm

My tears stream out. I can't escape this. Why did I even come with them? They could have easily done it by themselves. God, why did I think this was such a good idea? I could have been in Sunbeam's arms right now, but no. Instead here I am, fearing my life because someone  wanted to get some deals.

I take a deep breath. At least Scarlett knows I love her. I slowly walk back in the office. "Okay." Ethan frowns at me. "Aaron-" "No." I lift my head and shake my head. "It doesn't matter."

It's three-thirty soon, and I gulp when we walk in the meeting room. Okay, Aaron. Maybe it won't be as bad as you think.

Greco walks in, alone. He gives Jordan, who's standing close to the door, a smug grin. "Mister Hayes! Thanks for meeting me, I am sure we can get to an agreement," he winks. My breathing hitches. He winked at me too when he stabbed a knife in my arm.

Ethan walks in next, shaking hands with him. Traitors, a voice in my head yells. But I know they just want to have agreements, and not enemies. Surely since Scarlett.

I take a big breath and nod at Greco. His eyes light up and he looks at me with a surprised look. "Aaron! I thought you were dead," he says. I cringe. "Er... I'm not... quite?" Jordan and Ethan roll their eyes and I give them a death glare. They don't know how it feels to be tortured by him, and they don't want to know.

Greco nudges my back softly, teasingly, and my eyes widen as I stare at the ground. The fuck is up with this man? 

"Well, let's come to an agreement then," he grins. I swallow and sit down, feeling extremely uncomfortable. Ethan cocks an eyebrow at me and scoffs. My jaw drops, but I quickly hide it.

They don't believe me.

They think I made this up? Fuck them. I've never feared anyone worse than him, and here he is acting fine? Oh my God.

"Boys, you know Aaron? We have quite some history together," that smug bastard grins. I wince, still staring at the table. "He's shy," Greco chuckles.

My fists tighten. He's just embarrassing me.



I'm sorry, I haven't been updating a lot

x- N

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