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(A/N Ahhhh)

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(A/N Ahhhh)

"I'm hungry," Scarlett whines as we wait for the elevator.

I hug her from behind and nestle my head in the nape of her neck. "Hm, and why's that?" I grin. She blushes. I look behind to see Owen jogging over. "Gym's locked. Ah man, why does it always take this long?" he sighs.

I shrug, pressing a last kiss to Scarlett's temple. We hold her hands again, but she's not so happy anymore. She has a frown and she slightly winces when she walks.

Owen frowns when we're on our way up. "You okay, darling?" She nods, but winces again. When we walk out of the building and get into the car, she groans. "I hate being a woman."


I get in the drivers' seat, while they both sit in the back. Owen has Scarlett on his lap, cuddling her.

"Will chocolate help?" I hear Owen ask. Scarlett squeals. "Yes!"

I grin. Every opportunity for sugar, she'll take. I park and we get out. "Are you really fine?" I frown when she bends a little to walk.

She nods, but I don't believe her. So, I pick her up and set her on my hip. She smiles and hugs me. "I'm still hungry, though," she pouts.

I nod, giving her a kiss. "Owen can get take out." Owen shoots me a glare, but I grin. "You'll do that for our Scarlett, who loves us so much, right?" I give him puppy eyes.

He groans. "That's blackmailing!" I cock an eyebrow. "Is it, though?" 

"Owen?" Scarlett softly asks. I sit down on the couch with her, but she looks at Owen. "Can you go to the pharmacy for some pain killers?" she asks. He frowns sympathetically and nods. "Chocolate and pain killers. Anything else?"

She shakes her head, but I disagree. "And burgers from Mac please," I grin. He flips me the bird and leaves. I pout at Scarlett. "He's so mean," I fake sniffle. She giggles. "Guess that's a payback."

Okay. Leaving that subject...

She shivers and I give her my spare hoodie. "Hey! Now we match," she smiles. I smile too and give her a kiss. "Yeah, we do."

She starts playing a gale on her phone, so I start reading. But she winces every few minutes, and I hate it. "Would a hot water bottle help?" I ask. She nods sheepishly, and I carry her to the kitchen.

I set her on the counter and let her hold my book so I remember the page while I make her a hot water bottle. 

"What's this book about?" I turn around, seeing her reading the page. "Ah, politics," I say, but feel a blush on my cheeks. She cocks an eyebrow. "Sure. Shall I read the 'politics' part you're reading?"

I snap the books out of her hands. "No! I mean... nah, I'll read it myself," I smile and turn around. She chuckles. "Here." I give her the hot water bottle and pick her up again.

We lie down on the couch, and her body slowly melts into me. She's taking a picture of us, and I grin. I kiss her temple. "Cutie."

I get a message and see it's Scarlett who sent our photo in the group chat. I grimace. They won't like that...



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Jordan: F off I swear

Aaron: I'm not looking. Nah uh

Ethan: I miss you

Sweetheart: Sorry

I look at her face, seeing she has tears in her eyes. Frowning, I hug her closer. "Are they mad?" she asks in a small voice. Oh, poor her. Those hormones are messing with her feelings.

"No, sweetheart. They're just jealous," I whisper in her ear. She nods and giggles again, tears suddenly gone. Woah, I don't want to see her mood swings when she's pregnant.

Sweetheart: I miss you too Ethan <3

Aaron: Hello? Can someone see me?

Jordan: Baby do u miss me too

Owen: I'm sure she doesn't miss me, but her chocolate, hold on

Sweetheart: Owen, I need chocolate


Sweetheart: You better

Aaron: So I'm invisible? 

Jordan: Okay she doesn't love me

Sweetheart: Correct.

I chuckle. 

Aaron: :(

Aaron: You're mean

Owen walks in, glaring at us. "I'm gone for five minutes and just then the pictures are being taken? I feel extremely left out."

Scarlett gives him a smile. "You forget all our gym pics? You've been acting like a model in front of those mirrors," she grins. He blushes slightly. "I let myself go, okay?"

He walks towards us. "Here's your chocolate, darling. I went to the pharmacy and asked for pain killers. I hope these are the right ones, but I don't know," he sighs while giving a small box to her. She smiles and gives him a hug. 


She hops to the kitchen and Owen grins. "Take that, loser. I'm her savior," he brags. I roll my eyes. "But I got a pic," I chuckle. His eyes narrow and he walks to the kitchen, after Scarlett.

When she comes back, she looks tired. "Can we go to bed, please?" I stand up. "Of course, sweetheart. Sleep with me?"

She hesitantly looks at me, then at Owen, who's pouting. I glare at him. He's ruining my chance to fall asleep with Scarlett. "Both?" she suggests.

I smile. "Little smart-ass. Let's go." She nods and gets ready for sleep. I already lie down in her bed, and so does Owen. "I don't like her in pain," he groans. I agree.

She snuggles between us, searching a comfortable spot. "I love you both," she smiles before closing her eyes. I kiss her cheek. "I love you too, sweetheart."

"I love you, darling," Owen agrees. A soft blush climbs up her cheeks, showing she's happy. She shifts a bit more, now clutching her knees to her stomach. "Are you okay?"

She nods. "Yeah, it's just finding a good spot. I'm good now." I nod, looking at her face while she slowly falls asleep. Her soft smile fades a little, her face relaxing. 

She's gorgeous.


Happy New Years!

Thanks for reading and voting, I really appreciate it!

x- N

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