22nd Dec 2021

19 2 1

Dear Sam,

I saw the first fall of snow! It was so magical. Is it cold where you live?

You know while looking for my coat, I came across your T-shirt which was buried way down in my closet. I thought I returned your stuff. I swear I don't know how it was still here.

But that T-shirt brought back so many good memories.

Btw, Sam, good news. That ice-cream stain is nearly invisible. Sorry for ruining your shirt but you know you had it coming that day! I am still laughing thinking how your prank got backfired on you that day.

But hey, Sam? Is it just me or do you also smile reminiscing about the good ol' days?

If only we could turn the time back. We'd still be laughing and I'd be dancing with you on our song instead of with just your T-shirt.

The one who could've been,


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