10th Sept 2016

11 2 0


Dear Future Sam,

Writing to Santa was pointless. Guess I'm on my own now. I was up all night trying to make a plan. I was not hopeful but I still have 4 days. Can't give up now.

I have divided the plan into 2 phases :

Phase 1:
Convince the past Nia that you hadn't cheated on her.

Phase 2:
Come up with an excuse for literally blasting you in front of everyone.

During the classes, I dropped a note in both of your lockers. I have a hunch, a tingling feeling, that someone might have watched me. But don't worry, I had my incognito mode on.

After that, all I had to do was wait.

I bet you must be wondering what I wrote in those notes. Well, here you go -


'Hi, Nia,

I know you must be hurt finding out that Sam betrayed you. And you probably would either give him a second chance OR break up with him. If I was in your place, I would go with the first option.


Don't crumble and throw this note away. I am the same person who told you about Justin and Sam earlier. It solved the problem, right? That should give you the reason to trust me.

If you are still reading on, thanks.

Okay, I'll get to the point but I don't think you'll believe me. Sam did not cheat on you. He didn't kiss a random girl. It was all Nicole. She was the one behind planning for you and Sam to break up. I haven't found out the reason, why she's doing this (maybe she likes him?), but remember how I told you about Justin? Well, that whole confusion began just 'cause of Nicole.

She even photoshopped that random girl with Sam and made it look like Sam was cheating on you.

I know, I know, you don't trust me enough to believe me and you probably must be getting angry at me saying irrelevant things about Nicole. But that's the truth. No best friend would do such a thing to you.

I'll get you the proof of how Nicole's backstabbing you and promise me you'll not break up with Sam.

I hope we have a deal.

Expect the proof in your locker tomorrow.

P.S. Don't tell a word about this to anyone. Not even Sam.'


'Hi, Sam,

I know you didn't cheat on Nia. I know you never would 'cause I know you love her.

Who am I is not that important as you finding out the truth? For now, let's just say I'm someone who doesn't want you and Nia to break up and want you two to be together.

Someone gave Nia photographs of you kissing a random girl. You know that is a lie. Nia thinks that's the truth. And I'm on your side on this.

Why? Because someone photoshopped you with that random girl and gave it to Nia.

Nia is just a victim like you. Please forgive her.

I know you must be wondering how I know this. Well, let's just say, someone close to you, did this.

I'll get you the proof of how that someone is backstabbing you and promise me you'll forgive and not break up with Nia.

I hope we have a deal.

Expect the proof in your locker tomorrow.

P.S. Don't tell a word about this to anyone. Not even Nia.'


Guess we'll know tomorrow how that goes. Now all I need to do is gather the proof. Can't believe I'll be exposing Nicole. But I can't believe the one whom I thought to be my best friend did this to me.

After school, I've been following Nicole and gathering my proof.

But I wonder if Nicole's truth comes out, I bet you and the past me would break all ties with her. If this happens, I would definitely have a way different future with no Nicole 'cause up till now, Nicole and I were always there for each other.

The one who's getting scared about her future outcome,


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