11th Sept 2016

11 2 0


Dear Future Sam,

You won't believe what happened today. Okay, so I didn't get any evidence last night. After school, Nicole and the past me spent some time together and after that, she went out to buy groceries, and then she was at home after that as a few guests came over.

Ugh! Why?

So, I went to the lockers to say that I didn't get the evidence but they'll expect the evidence tomorrow. But to my surprise, a note in both the lockers was waiting for me.

Read on to find out.


Hi, whoever you are,

I have a lot of questions relating to the credibility of your previous notes and your identity, but I think you need to know one thing.

I know your intentions are pure, and I guess thanks for looking out for me and Sam but please don't help me or us. Leave this as it is. If we are meant to be we will be. Ok?

And besides, when I read your first note, I thought that why should I even try to explain to Sam that I didn't cheat when he never said anything to me? I don't know what goes on in his head. I'm not a mind reader.

But let's just say he has his doubt. Shouldn't he be at least hear my side before breaking up with me? You only said that he was if Justin doesn't say anything, right? But shouldn't he have trusted me? If we don't have trust we don't have anything. Where does this lead me and Sam to? I don't know if I'm making sense or I'm talking gibberish 'cause I'm hurt.

But when Nicole showed me those photographs, I gave Sam a chance to at least hear his side. I know I shouldn't have made it a public scene, but I was mad and hurt, okay?

But Sam didn't even say anything. And it was Nicole who showed me those photos. She is always there for me. I don't need to explain my friendship with Nicole to any random stranger.

But if you say those photos were photoshopped, how can I know that that evidence couldn't be?

So, please stop meddling and let it be.



Hey, you anonymous person,

Do you think I'll trust you? Who the hell are you to question our relationship with anybody or try to create a doubt.

'Somebody close to me?' Oh, please. None of my homies would go on to backstab me. I don't even know you. And how do you know those photos were photoshopped? Were you with that 'somebody' when they did it? Or did you catch them doing it? Or did somebody give you this information?

If somebody gave you this information, how can you be so sure that it was the truth?

If you caught them or with them, why didn't you say anything to them then?

Oh, that reminds me, how could Nia blast me in front of everybody like this? When she was the one who kissed me! Was that some kind of a prank? If it was, it was stupid and hurting.

She didn't believe me! If she doesn't believe me, where do she and I stand as a couple?

Look, stop it already before I find out who you are, and trust me I have my ways.



Sam! This is a LOT harder than I thought it would be but this has given me a lot to think about. You and the past Nia were not wrong, though.

Before all this time travel thing even came into the picture, I had no idea why you broke up with me. You just left me hanging and when I tried calling you or texting you, you couldn't care less. You never even listened to me. Were we this fragile?

Now that I know the reason, you should've at least asked me, hear me out, instead of believing what your friends told you.

Maybe the past me is right. But she also didn't believe you. All she looked was at one possibility. Even though nobody photoshopped that photo, that still could've been the possibility.

If I was in the place of my past self, would I have thought about believing you? I don't know.

I kept holding onto you for all these years. Why? Was it because when I thought that I was holding onto you, I was actually holding onto the 'what could've beens' and 'what should've beens'? And when I thought that if only we could've gotten a second chance, was I painting make-believe? Was I becoming blind in wanting you so much so that I couldn't see the red flags?

I don't know, Sam.

But you know, when you left me broken, a part of me was gone with you. I was lost and scared until I met Chris. I am not saying that I love him or he can replace you but when he made me giggle, that was the first time I actually felt like laughing without any care or any hurt. Remember how I told you that Chris told me about that DIY alternative? I started to look at things, at possibilities, I never knew could exist.

I have 2 days but I don't know what to do or what kind of future to be in.

The one who doesn't know what she wants,


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