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I don't take his hand; I can't. I'm frozen to the spot and the lump of fear in my throat is so big I can't swallow it down, can't suck any air down past it. Chills race down my spine, settling in the core of my belly, freezing me from the inside out. I cling to Jack but he prises my fingers away from him and pushes me up, towards Damon. I open my mouth. Close it again. I can't even make any noise. I want to, but I can't. My voice won't work.

I know Jack senses my fear, but he doesn't save me. Instead, he stands up and faces Damon, fixing his stare on my scary, eldest brother.

"Don't be too hard on her," Jack says. "She's new to this, and she's little. Just go easy on her."

The look Damon shoots Jack would have made a lesser man wither on the spot, but Jack doesn't even react, he just places his hand on my back and presses gently, silently telling me that I need to go with Damon before I make this worse for myself.

I don't move. Not because I don't want to, but because I can't. I can't bring myself to make my feet move. Damon holds his hand out to me again but I still don't reach for it. I know I should, and I will myself to just reach out and grab it, but I can't do it. I don't know if Damon knows this, or if he's just losing patience with me, but he steps towards me and his fingers enclose around my wrist, gripping tightly, tugging me along behind him as he marches down the hallway.

I have no choice but to hurry along behind him. I try to resist, but my efforts are futile. I'm tiny, and Damon is huge. He's clearly used to bending men to his will. His little sister is no match for him. I freak out completely. Damon's eyes were so cold, his voice so icy. His fingers are around my wrist in a death grip and I can't escape. He's pulling me along as though I weigh nothing. I can't get the image of him shooting those men in cold blood, out of my head. I see it again now, replaying in slow motion, in my mind. I see him stagger and fall, clutching his chest. I see the callous, calculated way my oldest brother holsters his weapon, turning away, acting like he doesn't even care. Like taking a life is nothing.

And suddenly I'm petrified. If Damon can take three lives so easily, without even reacting, am I even safe? Is that what he's going to do to me? Shoot me?

Panic wells up in me once more and I start to hyperventilate. I've never been so terrified in all my life. The fear I felt in the car watching the murders unfold is nothing to the terror I'm feeling now. Before, I didn't really think my life was in danger, I was frightened for my brothers. But right now, I'm scared for my life. I'm truly frightened of this man dragging me along, and I truly believe he's going to hurt me. I dig my toes into the plush carpet and try in vain to grab at the door frames as we go past, but. Damon is too strong. I don't think he even notices my attempts at escape.

"No! Please don't kill me!" I scream, hauling back with all my might, desperately trying to escape my brother's clutches. "Please," I beg, tears streaming down my face. "Please just let me go. Please! I promise I'll be good, I promise, just please don't kill me!"

Damon stops walking and turns to face me.

"What did you just say?" he asked, incredulous. "Why would you think I'm going to kill you? I'm not going to kill you - I'm going to spank you."

But it's like I don't even hear him. I'm lost in terror, seeing only those men being shot at the hand of my brother. I'm blinded by my tears. My heart is racing, and I can't get enough air into my lungs. I gulp desperately, trying to inhale enough oxygen to scream.

"Please don't shoot me!" I beg, my knees buckling as I crumple to the floor. But Damon's still holding my wrist in his iron grip and he hauls me back up to my feet, wrapping his free arm around me to steady me. I thrash against him, even more frightened now.

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