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I didn't see any of my other brothers for the rest of the day. It was just Logan and I. He helped me into the bathroom when I had to vomit, but that urge was getting less and less frequent. He kept encouraging me to drink and went downstairs to refill my glass and get himself something to eat.

He stayed with me all night long, watching Disney movies and at one stage he even went and got his Xbox and challenged me to a game.

I didn't feel up to eating, and there was no family dinner - my oldest brothers were all busy. Logan ate something downstairs quickly, then came back and sat with me. We both fell asleep in my bed with a movie still playing and when I woke up in the morning, feeling somewhat better, he was cuddling my teddy. Secretly, I snapped a photo on my phone - blackmail for later - then snatched it back. The ferocity with which I reclaimed my ragged teddy woke him up and he stretched, then glanced at his phone.

"The boys will be back in a couple of hours," he told me. "We've both got the day off school. You to recover, and me to look after you."

"I don't need to be looked after," I insisted, indignant. But I knew that was a lie. Alex, and then Logan, had taken excellent care of me yesterday and I knew I would have been lost without them. I had lapped up their attention and enjoyed the time spent with them.

Logan just shrugged. "Whatever," he said casually, as though my opinion was completely unimportant. "I'm not about to disobey Damon, and I don't want to go to school anyway."

He sat up properly and scrolled through his phone some more. "Do you want some yogurt or something for breakfast? Damon said it might help."

At first I shook my head, but then I thought about it, and breakfast actually did sound pretty good. It had been hours since I last vomited and my stomach felt empty. I was still slightly nauseous and dizzy, but I wanted some food. Just a little bit.

"Do you feel up to walking down the stairs or do you want me to bring you something up?"

I looked around my room. As nice as it was, I'd had enough of being in here and I wanted out.

"I want to go downstairs," I said. "But I don't know if I can walk. My legs are like jelly and I'm dizzy. Can you carry me?" I didn't know if Logan would be strong enough to carry me or not, but I figured it was worth a shot. After all, I'd ridden on his shoulders in the pool and he had carried me effortlessly, then.

Logan grinned. "Sure, little sister."

He threw off the blankets and got out of bed, still wearing a hoodie and sweats he'd put on yesterday after school, and helped me to my feet.

"I just need the bathroom first. Can you go into yours by yourself or do you want me to help you?"

"Help me please," I ground out, as my room spun.

Logan wrapped his arms around me to steady me and helped me into my bathroom, then he left, shutting the door on the way out.

When he returned I was ready and waiting for him and he scooped me up into his arms and carried me down the stairs, depositing me on a stool in the kitchen.

A lady I'd never seen before brought out my bowl of yogurt and some more diluted sprite and placed a huge stack of pancakes drowning in syrup in front of Logan. He thanked her and smiled. It was nice, the way my brothers all thanked the household staff. I was pretty sure that some people were rude to their staff, but my brothers all spoke respectfully to them, in front of me at least.

I had a few mouthfuls of yogurt and it helped at first, but then my stomach started churning and I pushed my plate away. Immediately, the same lady was by my side. "Are you finished, miss?" she asked, before removing my plate. "If you're unwell it's not wise to eat too much. Just a few bites."

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