Logan Gets Spanked

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Rocco appeared in the doorway. "Bringing out the big guns, brother?"

I gasped at the word gun, and Logan smirked at me. "He means the spoon. It was brought out for severe offenses when we were kids. Stings like you wouldn't believe."

I blushed. "Oh." Well that was all right then. But Damon shooting three men in the mall carpark was a bit too fresh in my memory for me to be okay with the word gun in any context. I may never be okay with that word again.

Damon glared at the both of us, then turned his attention back to Rocco. "Just sorting out some sibling infighting. I'm not going to stand for it," he said firmly.

Rocco smirked and Damon raised one eyebrow in question. This silent communication thing my brothers had going on, unnerved me.

"They both deserve it," Rocco said. "Give them one from me as well."

"What? Why?" Logan exclaimed from beside me.

Rocco silenced him with a glare. "Because I had to listen to it before, and try to sort it out."

Damon frowned at me and Logan again, and tapped the spoon against his palm once more, menacingly. I shivered.

"How many smacks did Alex give her?"

"10," Rocco said. "Five for yelling, and five for disrespecting me."

The look Damon gave me upon hearing that chilled me right to my bones. Right now, he truly terrified me.

"So you lied to me," Damon growled. It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"Yes," I whispered. "I'm sorry. Logan was mean to me and I wanted to get him in trouble."

"He's already in trouble," Damon pointed out, sounding confused. "And now, so are you." He sighed and dismissed Rocco with a wave of his hand. "If you'd told the truth, Logan would be getting 10 whacks with this, and you wouldn't be getting any. Now you're both getting 11 - you're getting 10 for lying, and you're both getting an extra one for Rocco."

A lone tear trickled down my face and I swiped it away angrily. It wasn't fair! Logan had started it, and I'd already been punished! I was still sore from the spanking Alex had already given me, and now Damon was going to give me more? With a wooden spoon?

"I hate you," I hissed at Logan. "This is all your fault!"

"How is it my fault?" he asked, smirking. "I didn't tell you to lie to Damon!"

"You started it. Bastard. Owww!" I yelled in pain as Damon whacked the spoon down on the top of my thigh. I don't think it was as hard as he hit Logan, but it still hurt.

"That's for swearing at Logan," Damon informed me coldly. "I can't believe you did that, after just watching me whack him for swearing at you. Are you intent on learning everything the hard way?"

Tears filled my eyes again as I rubbed frantically at my burning thigh, trying to bring me some relief. It didn't work.

"Stand up," Damon ordered me, pointing at me with that awful spoon. "You can go first. Put your hands on the stool and bend over."

As slowly as I dared, I obeyed him. I fought back the rising panic and positioned myself as Damon had instructed.

"I don't tolerate lies," he growled.

The first three smacks came fast and I cried out louder with each one, squirming to get away, but Damon moved in closer to me and pressed his hand on my back to hold me in position. The fourth smack was low on my sitspots, so was the fifth. I couldn't take any more so I reached back and grabbed my butt with my hands, desperate to stop the onslaught; desperate to protect myself. Damon didn't stop, though. Well he did, but only for a moment. He only stopped for long enough to grab both of my wrists in one of his huge hands and move them to my back, where he held them firmly.

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