Boys are home!

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I was still sleeping soundly when Logan woke me up, telling me to hurry up and get ready for school because I was late. Rocco obviously hadn't set my alarm for me when he tucked me into bed last night, and I didn't wake up enough to do it.

It was really weird coming down to breakfast with only Logan and Rocco there. It was so quiet!

"Will you teach me how to kickbox?" I asked Rocco, while I was waiting for my breakfast. I was quite enjoying this whole getting-my-breakfast-served-to-me thing. Not having to sort food out for myself meant my morning was much more relaxing and flowed smoothly, rather than being frazzled and rushed like I had used to be on the days I went to school, back in my old life.

"You're a little girl!" Rocco exclaimed. "You don't need to be kickboxing."

"But I want to learn!" I protested.

Rocco shook his head as he ate the last of his bacon. "No. I'm not teaching my little sister how to fight. You have big brothers to fight your battles for you, little sis. You don't need to know how to fight."

I glared at him, and then sulked into my breakfast once the staff slid my bowl of fruit and yogurt onto the kitchen island in front of me.

"You suck," I grumbled only half under my breath.

Rocco just smirked. "Still not teaching you," he said, before leaving to go to college. "Don't be late to school!" he yelled over his shoulder.

We weren't late - Logan made sure of it. We pulled up outside the gates in plenty of time, and before long I was surrounded by my friends. Me swearing at the teacher and getting kicked out of class was the talk of the school. Blondie walked past, tossing her hair over her shoulder arrogantly.

"You think you're so clever, don't you, Mafia girl? Swearing at that bitch of a teacher so you get to go home."

She looked like she'd slapped her makeup on with a trowel. I'm pretty sure my brothers would kill me if I tried to walk out of the house looking like that.

"Get lost," Frankie said, brushing past her as she tugged my arm. Frankie dragged me along so quickly we were almost running, and we left Blondie far behind.

"Ignore her," she said to me. "She's just jealous."

"Of me?" I asked, confused. "Why would she be jealous of me?"

"Your brothers," Kate said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh. Well that's stupid. I can't help who my brothers are."

"She is stupid," Petra said simply, as if that explained everything.

If only Rocco hadn't refused to teach me how to kickbox. Being able to kick and punch properly would probably come in quite handy, eventually. Especially because something told me that Blondie wasn't about to leave me alone any time soon. I was obviously going to have to make her leave me alone.

The whole time we were together, we talked about the pool party at my house coming up on the weekend. None of my friends had ever been to one, but they'd all heard about them. They all knew who Logan was, but they weren't friends with him, so had never been invited.We planned to go bikini shopping later in the week and get ourselves matching swimsuits. I couldn't wait! Even Blondie's annoying presence couldn't dampen my mood. She glared at me in the cafeteria line and I glared back.

Petra stood in front of me. "She's not worth it," she said in a low voice. "Besides, she won't be at the pool party this weekend," she said, slightly louder.

Blondie narrowed her eyes at us and glared, but I didn't care. Instead, I gave her a big smile and then turned to my friends. "So when are we going bikini shopping for the big party this weekend?" I asked them loudly. We'd already made our plans, but it was so much fun to rub Blondie's nose in it that my pool party was the talk of the school and she wasn't going.

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