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I grabbed the Peacock miraculous.

"Duzzu, spread my feathers."

"Wow Martha!" Chloe chorused.

"Hand me my pin, will you?" Kim handed me my opal pin. I infused the peacock magic into it, making a sentimonster that looked exactly like me.

"Duzzu, fall my feathers." I said. I did a once over on Senti-Mari. Her hair shone like mine, her eye's sparkled in the light, the only difference between us is that I have my Crown's Reign pin on my blouse.

"Wow Mari looks so similar to you Martha!"

I take my pin off of my blouse, and order Mari to come to the bedroom with me. I poke my head out.

"Try to guess who it who." I hide the pin in the palm of my hand. Mari goes out first. On her way she trips, falls, rubs her head and laugh it off,

"Sorry guys." Mari says sheepishly. Next, I come out. I walk in my normal fashion towards them.

"Who is the real Martha?" Mari and I say at the same time. They all look from Mari to me. Me to Mari... Kim takes the first guess.

"Uhh... you?" He points to Mari.

"But what about the other one? She looks like she's hiding something." Chloe says.

"But it's too obvious, Martha's better than that. Plus, she tripped on the way here." After a few minutes of deciding, they voted Mari to be the real me. Mari and I nodded. Mari stepped back, while, I stepped forward.

"I'm Martha." I said, smirking.

"I'm Mari-the sentimonster." Mari said. Everyone's mouths stood agape. I giggled.

"Anyway you ready?" I ask, not totally ready if I was up for the next task. Chloe inhales deeply,

"Yes. But please, you would never actually do this, right?" I smiled comfortingly at her.

"Of course Chloe. You know me better than that." I smiled and winked at her.

--time skip--

Chloe's pov:

I awoke to the smell of pancakes in the kitchen. I jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen.

"Good morning!" Martha says cheerfully.

"Morning" I said, hungrily grabbing a pancake. After a few minutes Mari came in.

"Hello, Martha Wayne. Hello, Chloe Bourgeois!" We chorused 'hi's' back.

"So Martha." She looked at me, "Are you going to do something with your hair and style so people can't differentiate between the two of you?"

"Oh yeah." We both went into the bedroom and started experimenting between different hair styles. Finally, we decided on a hair style and outfit. Martha would wear her hair down ending at her lower back. She brought the first few strands of hair in the front to the back, and she pinned it with a baby pink bobby pin. Martha was wearing:

A baby pink, short, sleeveless dress.

A black, cropped, leather jacket.

And black combat boots.

"Dang, Martha!" I said, deeply impressed. "Mari come in here!" A few seconds later Mari came in.

"Wow Martha Wayne." She said. I pulled her into the chair. After a few minutes I decided for Mari's hair to be shoulder length and in pigtails, like her old hair. Her outfit was:

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