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I remember, years ago:

"Would you want to- I- I don't know- maybe- go somewhere, I mean. Ugh! I've never done this before. Do you want to-" Adrien looked away in embarrassment.

In the moment, we revealed our identities to each other and Adrien had been the first to speak up. It happened really suddenly, after defeating Stormy Weather, again, Chat Noir stopped me and said he wanted to speak to me. He said that after 3 years of fighting together he was finally ready and detransformed in front of me before I could say anything. When I saw Adrien standing in front of me, I was so shocked I didn't hear my earrings beep for the final time and in Ladybug's place stood Marinette.

"I'd love to."

My first boyfriend. It was low key great. I loved it but more importantly, I loved him. He meant so much to me, he was so kind and so caring, not to mention adorable!

The weeks that followed were winter break so we'd call almost every night; staying up past 12. He was so sweet. I still remember this one time:

Marinette: Goodnight!!

Adrien: Night

Marinette: Love you

Adrien: Love you more

Marinette: *gif of a cat with a rose in its mouth and roses falling behind him with words that said I love you*

Adrien: Lol

Marinette: *replied to Adrien: Love you more* How do u know

Adrien: Bc I know

Marinette: But what if I love you more

Adrien: *rolling eyes emoji*

Marinette: *smiley face with a halo emoji*

Marinette: Love you!!!

Adrien: Love you too

And that was one of the sweetest things anyone's ever said to me. I felt so in love. Thinking that I may've found the one!

Whenever we'd call there would be times where we'd just stare at each other through the phone in a period of silence then out of nowhere he'd just be like "You're so cute." or "I love you".

He would never know how much that meant to me. It was like someone gifted me an angel, someone who'd always be there for me through my ups and downs. I loved him with all of my heart.

There was another time, before we started dating, and we were in the talking stage and he'd always be like:

Adrien: That hurts

Adrien: Right here

Adrien: *insert red heart emoji*

Whenever I'd jokingly make fun of him.

Also the first time we said I love you to each other was over call, and surprisingly I said it first.

"My dad's calling me from downstairs sorry, I'll get out of whatever we're doing and call you back soon." I said smiling.

"You don't have to do that! Go have fun with you're family." He said politely.

"It's fine, I'd rather talk to you anyway."

"Marinette!" My dad called.

"I gotta go! Bye! Love you!"

"Love you too!"

Or the time his family found out. Apparently he set his home wallpaper to me and when he swiped out of Tiktok when his mom walked by, low and behold I was on screen, and everyone at the party he was at found out. I laughed out loud when he told me that and my family gave me a weird look.

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