Not a Chapter

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Hey everyone! So I've been really overloaded with work. I won't be able to get all of these out in 3 week, but I'm going to try. This is the order I'm writing the requests in:

1. Three Months ✔️

2. Fixer-sorta requested ✔️

3. Stronger-requested ✔️

4. Numb little bug-requested ✔️

5. Wolf in Sheep's clothing-requested ✔️

6. Sara sorta requested ✔️

7. Vampire-requested

8. Battlefield-requested

9. Joker and the Queen- procrastination

Sorry if I make you wait. My life just got a whole, whole lot busier. My grades are slipping and state is coming up and now I have to focus on a sport too lol. Bro- I'm not even close to ready. So obviously I'm writing instead of doing my work. Obviously. #Procrastination... lol

(I will delete this page if I ever finish all 7.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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