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To say its odd being back would be an understatement. It's only been a day but Charlie hasn't looked Nora in the eye since he found out about the baby. She didn't expect him to be ecstatic, yet somehow she hoped he'd be okay with it in his own way. He did, however, offer her Bell's old room for her and then her room for the baby, if she wanted to come back.

Nora hears the doorbell ring. "Just a sec!" She calls, groaning as she pulls herself off the bedroom floor and makes her way downstairs. "Okay okay, jee-" She stops short as she sees Jacob on the doorstep.

He smiles wide. "Nora. You're home." He says, but his smile drops as he sees her hide behind the door. "Okay, look, I know I messed up but that's why I'm here-"

"Leave." Nora snaps.

Jacob narrows his eyes. "No." He crosses his arms.

Nora glares and crosses hers as she pushes the door aside. "Now." She snaps.

Jacobs eyes zero in and he pales. "Is that..."

"A baby. Mine. Mine and the random guy I fucked to feel satisfied after you." She snaps, glaring coldly. Is this her being a bitch or a protective momma bear? "None of your business. Bye bye."

He shoves his foot in the door angrily, forcing it open before she can slam it. "It is my business! Is it my baby?!" He demands.

"I just told you! No!" Nora yells, shoving him. "Get out!"

Jacob grabs her shoulders and shakes her. "Stop lying!"

She slaps him around the face and he stumbles back a step. She glares at him, shaking with anger just as he does. "Don't you dare lay a hand on me." She snarls.

Jacob glares, his cheek slightly red, as he looks at her. "If it isn't mine then why have you been hiding."

Nora still shakes. "My business is mine." She snaps.

"Say it. Tell the truth you fucking coward." He snarls.

"I'm the coward!?" Nora scoffs and looks him in the eyes. "Fine. It's yours. But you're having nothing to do with them because you are a selfish ass who'll just hurt it the way you hurt me." She whispers, tears falling.

Jacob stops shaking almost instantly, swallowing the lump in his throat. "My baby..." He whispers, his eyes flicking to her tummy.

Nora wraps her arms around it. "Mine." She simply says.

Jacobs eyes find hers again. "You're not pushing me away from this." He snaps.

"I sure as heck am." She snaps, walking away quickly hoping to slam her bedroom door in his face.

Jacob takes the steps 2 at a time and once again shoves his foot in the door to stop her slamming it. "You are not!"

"Why would I let you have the opportunity to hurt them? This baby was created in one of the most hateful situations and it was because of you. You tricked me into having sex-"

"You consented!" Jacob snaps.

"Oh I did. I very much wanted to do it with you because I thought you wanted me in return. Thats why you used me, isn't it? I loved you from the moment I met you and it finally felt like you were feeling the same but you used me. You used me." She cries sitting on the edge of her bed. "You didn't care how I felt or what happened to me. This is what happened. You can't care now." She wipes her cheeks angrily.

Jacob runs a hand through his hair, licking his lips. "I am... I am so sorry I did that. You know that isn't me, you know I'd never intentionally hurt you-"

Irish twins | b.swanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin