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Sam and Billy are waiting outside the little red house as Edward pulls up and parks. He glares at them a bit but turns to Nora. "Want me to take Chevy?"

"I'm not letting him out of my sight." She whispers as she unbuckles looking at him. "Can you wait out here? Ready to go."

He nods and climbs out with her helping her with the carseat. "Careful, okay?"

She smiles small as she takes it, taking a deep breath. She turns to face the awaiting men and walks a little closer, a tight grip on the carseat. "You gonna explain?"

Billy nods once, his eyes on the carseat. He hasn't even met his grandson yet and he doesn't know if he ever will now... "We are. As much as we can."

Nora nods once and motions for them to go first. Sam wheels Billy in as Nora glances back at Edward who's watching closely from the drivers seat, his hand tapping the wheel impatiently. He nods once as encouragement and Nora nods back, entering the house.

Sam and Billy sit at the table. "Do you want a coffee or anything? " Sam offers.

"No. I want answers." She says, setting the carseat on the chair as she stands beside it. "As quickly as possible."

"Aren't you going to introduce Billy to his grandson?" Sam crosses his arms.

"When I've decided whether it is safe to stay then maybe." Nora glares. "Answers. Now."

Billy sighs; he absolutely understands. Why introduce them if she's going to leave? "I'll tell you in the easiest and shortest way... the Quiluetes have a long history of shape-shifting. A genetic gift from hundreds of years ago. Those of us with the gene can change their form to a wolf."

Nora is frozen as she takes a shaky breath. "Sisters a vampire. Baby daddy a wolf. Fab." She mutters, looking at her sleeping son. "Is he...does he-"

"He'll have the gene." Sam nods stiffly. "And it'll likely be triggered since he's around vampires a lot."


Billy gives Sam a scolding look. "It isn't definite that he will. If he's around cold ones during his time of puberty, the gene will be triggered. We don't know if it would always happen but from our experience a cold one moves nearby and it's triggered in the teenagers of the tribe. Seth Clearwater is the youngest - he was just Fourteen. His sister Leah is the only female."

"That's fucked up! He's a kid!" Nora snaps.

"Blame your disgusting family then." Sam snaps. "It's their fault were like this."

"They didn't know it would happen." Nora glares at him before she looks back to Billy. "Is that why he stopped being my friend?" She whispers.

Billy sadly nods once. "Yes. I forbid it." He says softly. "I am extremely sorry-"

"It's fine." She mutters. "Is it... is it also why he's so angry all the time? He never used to be like this."

Billy gives another simple nod. "Anger is the connection between them and their wolf." He says softly, his eyes sad. "He came home from the movie theatre that day and got so angry when I asked about it. If I hadn't realised what was happening, he probably would have torn me to shreds."

Nora frowns deeply. "He was struggling and you took away his only friend... but you let him see Bella despite how bad she was for him? How he felt about her?" Nora shakes her head.

"Bella knew about cold ones and was bound to find out. Paul is the reason she ever knew." Sam piles in.

"You shut your mouth - you disgust me." Nora snaps. "It wasn't a bear that hurt your Emily was it? Did Jake hurt my dad?" She demands looking at Billy.

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