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Nora lays awake

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Nora lays awake. She's scared to take her eyes off James incase he isn't really there, incase he did actually leave her. Chev sleeps in between them and she's watching him, too - making sure she hasn't psychologically damaged him too much and given him nightmares. Mom guilt has her by the metaphorical balls.

Buck stirs a little and squints at the light coming through the crack in the curtains. "Mm." He grumbles, rolling onto the only side he can, coming face go face with Norry. He smiles tiredly. "Hi." He whispers. "Sorry if I woke you."

Nora smiles small and shrugs. "S'okay. I was awake anyway." She whispers back.

Buck frowns a little and looks at her tired face. "Have you slept at all?"

"A little." Nora lies.

He raises an eyebrow. "You're a terrible, terrible liar." He muses.

She smiles. "I know..."

He reaches out and strokes her cheek. "I'm so so sorry-"

Nora kisses him gently to shut him up. "Stop." She whispers. "You had the most human response to all of this."

"But I hur-"

"No more than Jacob ever has. Or my sister. Or even my mom." She shrugs. "It's whatever."

"The fact you brush off your own pain so easy makes me... ugh." He sighs heavy. "If Jacob is a... does it mean Chev is too?" He asks after a moment, looking at the sleeping tot.

Nora takes a deep breath and plays with her sons curly hair. "Changes are he will be. If he's around-" She cuts herself off.

"Around?" James prompts. When she doesn't respond, he sits up annoyed. "No more secrets, Nora!" He whispers yells.

She sits up too. "It's not easy for me, yknow." She snaps back. "These aren't my secrets to tell. I'm the ordinary one around here!"

"So who else isn't human?" He demands.

Nor sighs and covers her face. "I... we..." she sighs again and pushes her hair back. "Bella is... something. Something that triggers Jacob's packs genes. If Cheveyo is around her or-or Edwards family then it'll trigger the change." She whispers.

Bucks eyes widen. "Are you ser- let's get him out of here!" He says loudly.

"Shh!" Nor scowls as Chev jumps. She sits beside him and strokes his head, making sure he's still asleep. She looks at Buck, speaking in a quiet voice. "Jake thinks it's around the age of puberty as that's when most of them have phased. Jake was just 16 and that was considered late. The youngest was 13." She says. "We don't know when or if he'll change."

"We should still go." Bucky sits beside her and takes her hands. "It isn't safe here. Look at me, I was here a day and this happened."

"And whoever did it has been dealt with, I hope." She touches his cheek. "My family is here, James... I can't stay gone forever."

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