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Carrie gives her shoulder a squeeze before she glances at Edward and walks away. Edward slips gently into the booth. "You have had your sister worried." He says gently. "And Ness. And me." He adds.

Nora smiles gently as she eats some pancake. "Awh, I didn't know you cared."

"You're my sister, remember?" He winks. "Everything okay? Well, no, sorry. That's a stupid question since we're almost 100 miles from home." He apologises. "I take it Jake is the issue since he came barging in demanding Bella talk some sense into you."

Nora rolls her eyes as she sighs. "I just... ugh. He infuriates me!" She mutters, shoving more food in her mouth angrily.

Edward chuckles. "He is indeed very infuriating. What's he done now?"

Nora sips her coffee as she sits back, the pancakes already gone. "He has no boundaries. And no respect. He called me rude, did he tell you?"

"He did mention something." Edward nods.

"Yeah. I'm rude." She scoffs. "He's the one breaking into my house all the time. He's told me I can't name the baby Cheveyo. He got mad dad didn't let him round when I was sick like that's my problem."

Edward sighs. "I'm sorry he is being so difficult." He says softly.

"He's taken everything from me." Nora whispers, looking out the window. "Did you know I never wanted kids? Even before I got sick. I wanted to travel, I didn't want to spend more than a year in each place. I wanted to see 50 different countries and cities before I died." She smiles sadly. "I don't get to do that now."

"You can still do that with Cheveyo." Edward promises. "Your life doesn't stop because his starts. Is that why you're considering adoption?"

Nora shakes her head as she looks at him. "I only considered that so Chevy would grow up away from Jacob's influence. I dont want him to hurt my son the way he has me."

"None of us will let that happen." Edward promises. "Not a chance in hell. You know that, right?"

Nora giggles small. "I know, I know. I just want him to have the best shot at life."

"He will. We will all make sure of that. Now come on, your sister may not be able to have a literal aneurysm but she'll give me a mental one if we don't get back soon."

Nora giggles again and nods, grabbing her jacket as she slips out. She's about to get her purse when she sees Edward already sorting it out with Carrie. Carrie looks over and gives her a warm, but slightly worried, smile. Nora waves small and heads out after Edward. "I'll follow you home. Make sure you obey the speed limits."

"You're so boring!" Edward playfully huffs before he winks and climbs in the Volvo.

Nora just about manages to keep up with him, even if he's only just in her view up ahead at times. Still. It's useful to follow him as she had no idea where she even was. As they stop at a junction, the lock eyes in the rearview mirrow; Edward points to the left, suggesting heading to his family house rather than right and Charlie's. Nora nods quickly and he quickly indicates, heading that way as Nora follows.

Bella is waiting as they arrive, opening her arms as Nora climbs out. She pulls her close. "I thought we agreed no more running away." She mumbles into her sister shoulder.

"I didn't run away, I went hunting for pancakes." She teases as she hugs back. "Can I... stay the night?"

"Absolutely. Dad boring you?" Bella asks as they walk inside holding hands.

Nora giggles. "No... I think he has a girlfriend."

"What!?" Bella gasps, flopping on the couch with her. "Who! Please say Sue!"

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