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Buck wakes to the immense pain in his shoulder, gasping in a painful breath. "FUCK!" He cries out.

"Easy, easy!" Jacob snaps. "I've got pressure on your artery, dude, you move and you die." He warns.

Buck grunts in pain as he looks around. "Y-you. I-I know this was you s-somehow!" He growls.

Jacob scoffs. "I wish." He says. "Stay still. I know you'd rather anyone but me but we're stuck together now."

"I saw it. The wolf." He says between gritted teeth. "The boy who turned into a wolf." He snaps.

"You must've hit your-"

"Don't bullshit me!" He snaps.

Jacob pauses for a moment, looking down at the man beneath him. "Don't go shouting about what you saw." He says in a warning tone. "People will get hurt. Nora will get hurt." He says. "Which boy?"

Buck takes a painful breath. "N-not one I've met." He says, his teeth chattering.

Though it's cold, Jacob is sure this is him going into shock. "James, if you die on me then I don't think I can ever look my son in the eyes again." He says. "Please. Don't. Tell me about the boy or the wolf or anything."

"U-uh, younger. S-short hair." He swallows hard. "B-brown."

Jacob looks over as he sees people running. "That narrows it down, that's good."

"Dont let N-Nora see." Bucky begs, grabbing Jakes arm. "Please."

"Swap places with me." Edward orders Jake as he rolls his sleeves up. This'll be one of only a few times he's used the medical degrees he has.

Jacob moves aside, only letting go once he's sure Edward has ahold. Jake sees Nora running over and he jogs to meet her, grabbing her around the waist. "Hey hey no-"

"Let go of me!" She snaps. "This is all your fault!"

"Nora, you're hurting and I know you have so much anger towards me so take it out on me, that's okay. But you don't need to see this." He keeps ahold of her.

Nora bursts into tears and begins to hit Jacob's chest. "I hate you I hate you... I. Hate. You!" She sobs, falling against him.

Jacob holds her close and rests his cheek on her head. "I know." He mumbles. If its one of the pack? It'll be because Jacob formed their views of James, made him out to be the bad guy. This is his fault even if it wasn't his hands to make those wounds. "Seth!" He calls.

The kid jogs over. "Sup?"

"Gimme your jacket." He says, holding his hand out.

Seth shrugs it off and Jake slips it around Nora. "Let's get you-"

"No!" Nora sniffles, pushing him off. "Tell me you did this." She snaps, glaring at him. "Admit it."

"It wasn't me, Nor. I swear on Cheveyo." Jacob lays a hand on his chest. "But I promise you I'll figure out who did."

She throws the jacket at him and runs off, back to James. There's an ambulance here now, just beginning to load him up as Edward climbs in too, keeping the pressure. "Nora, no. You do not want to see this and James doesn't want that either. He begged me not to let you." He says firmly. He nods behind her. "Go with Bella. Meet us at the hospital, I've got him."

"Edward..." she shakes her head.

"Go. Let me be a protective big brother." He says sternly.

Nora forces a nod. "Fine... I'll be right behind you."

He nods once and the doors close. Nora watches the ambulance drive away before she runs inside, Charlie instantly coming over. "What can we do?"

"Go. Go on your honeymoon." Nora forces a smile. "It's gonna be okay, it is." She tries to convince herself.

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