𝔹est friends with a boar

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"Percy!" Thalia screamed.

He landed facedown in the street.  The impact of the bullets had been dull, like a push from behind, but they hadn't hurt him. The Nemean Lion's fur. His coat was bulletproof.

Thalia charged the second skeleton.

Zoë and Bianca started firing arrows at the third and fourth. Grover stood there and held his hands out to the trees, looking like he wanted to hug them. There was a crashing sound in the forest to our left, like a bulldozer.

Maybe the skeletons' reinforcements were arriving. Percy got to my feet and ducked a police baton. The skeleton he'd cut in half was already fully re-formed, coming after him. There was no way to stop them.

Zoë and Bianca fired at their heads point-blank, but the arrows just whistled straight through their empty skulls. One lunged at Bianca, but she whipped out her hunting knife and stabbed the warrior in the chest. The whole skeleton erupted into flames, leaving a little pile of ashes and a police badge.

"How did you do that?" Zoë asked.

"I don't know," Bianca said nervously. "Lucky stab?"

"Well, do it again!"

A skeleton lunged at Thalia from the side. A blinding purple light filled the demigod's vision. When it cleared, Nicki was stood in front of them. Her stygian iron sword hung lazily in her grip. A pile of ashes lay on the ground where the skeleton stood.


"Yeah, sorry I'm late. It's just no one told me."

The two remaining skeletons took a step back, their teeth chattering. The trees parted and 3 more skeletons rattled through.

Zoë drew her bow. "I had my reasons."

"Mhm. Bia? When I call, you need to stab them, not shoot them."

Bianca nodded, her hands shaking. "Got it."

"What do you want us to do?" Thalia questioned, stepping up to Nicki's shoulder.

Nicki swallowed harshly. "Not die?" Nicki flicked her wrist. One of the skeletons rose in the air, flying straight at Bianca. "Now!"

Bianca stabbed her knife forward, disintegrating the skeleton. Nicki dove forward, decapitating another skeleton, leaving another pile of ashes behind.

The duo worked together, disintegrating two skeletons at a time. Yet every time they removed two from the fight, more appeared.

The trees behind the skeletons were shivering. Branches were cracking.

"A gift," Grover muttered.

And then, with a mighty roar, the largest pig they'd ever seen came crashing into the road. It was a wild boar, thirty feet high, with a snotty pink snout and tusks the size of canoes. Its back bristled with brown hair, and its eyes were wild and angry.

"REEEEEEEEET!" it squealed and raked three skeletons aside with its tusks. The force was so great, they went flying over the trees and into the side of the mountain, where they smashed to pieces, thigh bones and arm bones twirling everywhere.

Then the pig turned on the teenagers.

Thalia raised her spear, but Grover yelled, "Don't kill it."

The boar grunted and pawed the ground, ready to charge.

"That's the Erymanthian Boar," Zoë said, trying to stay calm. "I don't think we can kill it."

"I'm so glad we have Ms Optimistic with us," Nicki muttered, grasping her sword tightly.

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