north grand mall

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the other day (Friday) at my pharmacy job, I was switching out a twenty dollar bill with a 4 five dollar bills so I could close the cash register up front for night. as I shifted the cash around, I saw a little shine come from the bottom of the drawer. digging through the miscellaneous items in the drawer, I pulled out a silver ring. it was a square shaped ring with a circle diamond in the middle, then little diamonds on each curve of the ring. it's obvious it was fake diamond, and it was a little bent at the bottom of the curve, but when I saw it I loved it. this.. is pretty much the exact kind of ring I want when I get married, this is the kind of ring I want to see in the little velvet box as the love of my live bends down on one knee and asks me to be at his side forever, the ring I'll pass down to my daughter when I die, and she'll give it to her daughter- my granddaughter- and say "this is grandma's wedding ring, so in love with your grandpa that this ring is the ultimate bond for a life partner.. which is exactly why I want you to have it.. and hopefully you'll find someone like she did." 

I asked my coworker if the ring belonged to someone who worked there, they said no and that the ring had been there for weeks already and no one has claimed it yet so it's pretty much up for grabs. I slipped it into my front jean pocket and carried on with the cash to close up front. 

now tonight, I just got home from a long day of work and speech. work was fine, just had because all the kids were absolute monsters.. and now that I'm 18 I mostly work on my own in my own classroom with 15 or more kids at once. it's really draining, but I don't mind it that much. plus.. the kids say I'm their favorite teacher, which makes the hard long days worth it. I let everyone watch Encanto last Thursday, amazing movie.. totally recommend, and we all sang and danced to it. it was pretty much a perfect ending to the week since we were snowed in on Friday with no school.. and I could just tell that I was the kind of teacher they talked about at home to their parents.. hopefully in a good way lol. speech wasn't all that bad either, but I was there from 12-7pm. my first practice was at 12-1:30pm, then the next at 5-7pm. perfect time to go home for a 3 1/2 hour break, which normally I would've done.. but my mom and I aren't on great terms right now so.. I chose to stay there. I just sat and was on my phone and posted one of my friends for her birthday (which a lot of guys swiped up on and told me I had a great piece of ass, totally offensive but.. they aren't wrong ;) I am indeed a baddie), checked up on canvas to make sure my grades were still good and whatnot. then I had my second practice which felt like it dragged and I was just ready to go home..

7pm came around and I left. drove home, which felt like it took ages just to get home. I've also developed a new hate for driving. I've hated it all along but now I just can't stand it and do everything I can to not be the one who drives. anyway, I get home and I start to do some stuff to get ready for the school week. I plug in my iPad, I pack my workout bag to go to planet fitness after school like I do every day now.. , I put acne patches and a pore strip on my face, get out my hair rollers and leave in conditioners so I don't use heat on my hair (which I haven't done yet but plan on it when I'm done writing this :D), straighten up my bathroom from taking a shower and getting ready this morning, change from my sweater and leggings into my over sized speech hoodie-no bra-no underwear- and my sherpa Iowa state pajama shorts from target, then finally.. I go upstairs and begin to do my laundry for the week.

I begin to empty out my pockets in all my pants. I see my Tommy Hilfiger jeans resting on the floor, the ones I wore on Thursday for the first time since I wore them for my senior pictures in the fall. I shake them out and begin to check the pockets.. 

..the ring. 

ha.. I kind of forgot I took that. 

one day i began to thinkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora