i found a love

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do you remember the time where you asked me to sit with you on the bus? the 2 hour long bus ride for our bowling tournament.

on the way there you fell asleep on me. and i felt blessed. maybe it was uncomfortable for me, but i didn't mind it. i was distracted at watching you sleep. we weren't together then yet.. but it felt right. to watch you in your most natural state.. i.. i loved everything about it. and how comfortable you looked up against me.

and then on the way back. i fell asleep on you.. well, that's what you thought until recently. i was awake the whole time. and i am so happy that i was. i was close to falling asleep. until you played "perfect" by ed sheeran in your earbuds that we were sharing. and then everything felt different, it just felt more.. genuine. my head was laying on your lap at the time and at first we were listening to another one of your playlists, until it randomly changed and you set your phone down. you began to play with my hair and brush it behind my ear. you scratched my back and my arm. you traced my jaw with your finger. you caressed my face and chin and neck. it all felt like a dream, and as the music played i could tell that you meant it for me. and as i listened to the lyrics i felt special. like i could feel your gaze against me even though it was dark. like you were only paying attention to me and only me and the only thing i had to do was lay there while you admired me.

it was so simple then. it was easy. and the only thing i was worried about was what to wear to school the next day to impress you.

i miss that.. i miss you.

and i wish now that i were able to do something like that for you. for you to hear a song and know that i played it for you. that i picked that song so i'd reach your soul..

i wish you could hear each time i played "perfect" and sang to the thought of you. and i hope you think of me too when that song comes on..

i hope i'm still perfect to you.

we were just kids when we fell in love..

one day i began to thinkWhere stories live. Discover now