Chapter 1: Mission 1

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Viper storms out exasperated, walking over the broken pieces of glass with her black leather boots. There was absolutely nothing she could do. Brimstone was under control. She's done everything in her power to make you stay and yet here you are, not knowing what's really out there, excited for a drastic world outside the walls she's desperately kept you in.

She rushes into her lab, takes off her gloves and glasses, and rubs her eyebrows in frustration. "How could I let this happen..." She sighed in a monotone voice as she closed her eyes, irritated but at the same time heartbroken. In one swift movement, she knocks down some of the beakers in her lab, spilling acid all over the floor vexed with the fact that Brimstone and Sage would do this to you, to her. Her only piece of humanity is fragmented in you... and she has to find a way to protect it.


"Wait- Sabby-" You yelped out, your hand attempting to stop her from walking off.

"Let her go Y/n, I think it would be best for everyone to leave her alone for a while," Brimstone said, his dominance once again booming in the room as everyone takes his advice for it.

You look at him and he gives you a little bit of assurance by flashing you a nod. You nod back, slightly smiling as you can feel him being proud of you. You're truly thankful for the family you have here in HQ. Since you were an orphan, you never really got to know who your parents were and if they were even still alive. Are they also radiants? And if so, what would their powers have been?

You've always wondered about where you came from. You definitely weren't like Neon... She was found by a few scientists from a lighting strike... You can't imagine your origins would be anywhere close to as interesting as hers. You probably had parents who didn't want to raise you. Maybe you were just plainly unwanted? You're not certain of the reason... but whatever the explanation was, one thing still stays the same. You were abandoned, and the person who got you out of the hell hole of foster care was Sabine... She gave you everything. Food, nice clothes, a family, and unconditional love.

At first, you didn't really fit in well with everyone... You being the youngest in the agency, people tend to overlook your potential and often treat you like an intern rather than an actual agent. You wish you were like Jett, Killjoy, Phoenix, and Neon.. Even though they were only a few years older than you, you were still somehow envious that they were already so successful with their missions. If only you had the chance... And now you do! You can't pass up on this opportunity.. This is your chance. It's your one chance to show Sabine that you're ready and that you always have been. You can't mess this up...

Sage pats your back. "Good to have you Y/n... Get yourself ready for tomorrow.. It'll be your first mission so don't worry, we don't expect a lot from you.. Just try your best and try not to get killed, please.. Cypher's already doing more than enough.."

You giggle at her annoyance. "That man always gets himself in trouble for some reason. It's draining the life out of me!" She complains but soon gives you a warm look.

"I know you'll do great Y/n.." giving you a hug soon after. "Thanks, Thorne..." You said, giving her a soft smile, laying your head on her shoulder as she brushes her hands through your hair.

Sage has always been like a mother figure to you, and Brimstone, in some ways, a father figure. Together, they're as close to a parent as you can ever dream to have. You grew up with them and you consider most of everyone in the protocol to be your friends and family already. There isn't one thing you don't know about each and every one of them. Since they spend most of their free time being accompanied by you, you've figured out everyone's likes and dislikes.

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