Chapter 6: The Challenge

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Fanart: @Cyrosaur on Twitter

"So..." He scoffs at you while cocking his gun. "Let's have fun nezumi" He said as he stared directly into your eyes, slowly walking over to his spot. It gets you nervous every time but... the fact that there was a slight shadow of darkness in his eyes this time, just made you tremble, not in a good way...

"What did you just call me?" you asked him, a little vexed. You had your anime phase, you knew what that meant, Google told you what it meant. You narrow your eyes and grit your teeth as you hold the gun tighter. There's no way you're gonna let this arrogant little blueberry ice cream have all the fun.

He simply laughed at you. Ignoring you as he aimed his sheriff at your head. You noticed him checking you out, looking over at your body. He seems more likeable on the battlefield... For the short time you've known him, you only ever see that condescending smirk while he's fighting someone, all the while in his normal life, he barely shot a smirk or a genuine emotion at anyone other than annoyance or arrogance. You're guessing not that many people like him...

"Well? Are you going to move or what?" He asked you with that condescending smirk of his, tilting his head to the side a little as his eyebrows raised up a little over his forehead.

You softened your expression. Instead of showing him you were scared, even though you were, you gave him a smile instead. "Pathetic" You spat out before disappearing from his sight.

E ability: Invisibility for 15 secs

Can be used to plant the spike

Makes an excessive swish noise

Footsteps and movements are still audible in this state

His eyes widened, perplexed. 'Where'd she go?' He looked around the midsize arena. First looking up thinking she went flying just like Jett does, but he sees nothing on the air. Suddenly, he hears crunching footsteps behind him. He turns around to nothing... no one...

"Stop hiding you pussy!" He screamed. As soon as he did, you jumped onto his shoulder, making him drop the gun, struggling to get you off of him. You locked your legs on his neck, choking him out as he reached out to break your legs apart, throwing you to the ground as he hovered over your body. You tried shooting him right then and there but failed to do so, missing his neck only by an inch. He gets a hold on your hands as he knocks the pistol off of you. He puts both of your hands above your head as you wrestle, writhing beneath him.

He's got you where he wants you now.. "You look pretty from this view you know" He said, letting out a little chuckle. You couldn't do anything but scoff at him. He cupped both of your hands with his left hand, his right reaching out for his pistol as he tried to contain you from moving too much.

"Shut up asshole!" You said, kicking your legs up, in an attempt to shake him off of you. But it was no use... His weight on you was simply too much and his hands were too strong for you to do anything about... Not only that but your energy was far too drained for you to use your Q ability, you just needed a little more time... more time to gather energy, just 5 more seconds and you'd be able to get away from his grasp.

Q ability: Teleportation

Can be used twice in one match

Needs at least half of user's energy to be used

Can teleport to a 5 metre distance

Yoru continues to try reaching out for his gun only to almost be kicked in the balls. He turns his face to you in annoyance and anger. "Can you stop fucking mo-" his words were abruptly interrupted as you pushed your lips into his, giving him a deep kiss. His eyes widened in shock as his grip on you loosened. Who knew this guy would be so flustered with a kiss?

3... You took the opportunity to slide your tongue into his mouth as you closed your eyes, melting into him. Giving him intricate pecks as your lips went in and out, leading him closer to you.

2... Your wrist were able to breathe more as his grip faltered. With each kiss, he fell deeper, more fazed. It was as if he was in dreamland. 'What is up with this chick?' he thought

1... You smiled as you kissed him one last time, leaving a bite on his lower lip, causing it to bleed a little. As you looked at his fluttering eyes, his lips leaning into you for more. You placed a hand on his chest-

0. And with those three seconds you disappeared out of his sight once more. Leaving him bewildered, amused, he doesn't know! You've managed to shock absolutely everyone in and out of the room, including yourself! Those three seconds felt as if they lasted a lifetime... It was slow and passionate, with a bit of light teasing and playfulness behind it.

Fuck he's so hot...

You picked the gun up, dangling it in your hands as you looked at Yoru on his knees, still visibly dumbfounded. You smiled and aimed the gun on his head. His eyes widened as he realised how bad he lost to you. That was all that happened before you dropped to the floor... Dead.

Unbeknownst to you, Viper was still in the arena, observing. She herself shot a bullet straight to your forehead from where she was, 10, if not 15 metres away from you and Yoru.

"Is that... Is that even in the rules?" She asked the tiny assistant robot next to her as she placed the gun inside her lab coat. The bot shrugging in response.

Author's note: Okay I know this was short but- I hope you guys enjoyed it HAHAHHA I honestly couldn't contain my smile from forming while writing this scene so- yes- I figured it was the sixth chapter already so why tf not?

Collateral Damage || A Yoru x Fem!reader FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora