Chapter 33: The Truth

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Art: Envar Studio 

"Is it working?" Yoru said while adjusting his earpiece. He had his mask ready, blue flames consuming his hands as he readied himself for the operation. After what you told him, the both of you immediately came up with a plan. In order for you to contact Sabine and pitch the idea of a happy, equal world between both worlds, you had to find a way on how to open the portal since the Earth you came from no longer had enough radianite to sustain opening and closing the portal... 

That wasn't the only problem though, you had one other half of a problem: You were stuck here. With no other way to cross worlds and the other world with no way of producing or getting any radianite... You had to stay put and stay still while remembering how Earth was probably in shambles right now. There wasn't enough time... You had to take action, and you had to take action now. 

"It's a go" You said over your headpiece. You weren't gonna lie, You were quite nervous. Especially since the plan was so last minute. You and Yoru were basically just winging it at this point.

With your signal in place, Yoru immediately slashed through dimensions. His only problem was security and how to avoid certain people that might see him enter the lab to open a whole ass portal. If only the portal device was like that of Rick's from Rick and morty... Then maybe your plan would've been far less dreadfully close to impossible in succeeding. But no. The portal looked more like something from a horribly thought of sci-fi movie rather than something as simple as a gun. 

He ran through the lab, opening doors left and right while you tracked his movements. Hacking into the security cameras to make sure he was doing just fine and not being too suspicious... You wondered how many ghost stories were gonna come from him randomly opening doors around the lab area. 

"Wait shit- Viper's still in the lab-" Yoru said over the headpiece, coming to an abrupt stop when he saw Viper in her lab coat, glasses on while handling samples that looked to be extracted from somewhere, It glowed a neon green and were small enough to be contained inside tiny little glass containers. There were around 16 on her hands. 

You immediately switched through screens, trying to find out where exactly Viper is before stopping on one. There she was. Why was she still there??? It was past 2 am in the morning and she somehow is still at the lab, working. 

You knew she always had the tendency to overwork but... Back home, Sabine used to always go to bed by 12 am... Viper... Viper's overworking herself... Has she always been like this? 

"I'll take care of her..." You whispered over the earpiece before throwing the headphones down on the floor, standing up, and pulling your cuffs up. You ran towards the lab with a cup of coffee in your hands, brewed just as she liked. 

You knocked on the door outside her lab. "Uhm... excuse me.." You slightly opened the door before peeking, not stepping inside the lab. You knew better than to enter her lab without permission. 

"Who is- Oh Y/n..." She said midway through her sentence, in the action of taking her gloves off. "What are you doing up so..." She looked at the clock pasted on the wall. "Early in the morning..?" She said, before letting out a yawn. You could see it in her deeply sunken eyes. She looked tired but she still noticed how you didn't take a step inside, weird. "Why don't you come in?" She asked, taking her glasses off. 

"Oh, uhm..." You muttered, you've never quite been inside her lab before.. This was definitely the first. You walked inside, a bit hesitant while looking around. "I took a nap earlier this afternoon and managed to wake up.. then I saw that the light was still on in the lab so I figured maybe we could take a break and have some coffee outside..? There's been a lot of things I've been meaning to ask you" Why do you keep to yourself...? It's saddening to see you so lonely.

She smiled at your simple words. No one's thought of inviting her for coffee in a very long time... She'd almost forgotten how to drink coffee while talking to company... "Sure.."


Yoru pulls out of his dimension, taking his mask off to reveal his bitter but curious face. He stood in front of the portal controls, confused and unsure of which ones he was supposed to meddle with. "Damnit... Only the seniors know how to work this thing..." He muttered under his breath before leaning towards the controls. "Fuck it" He said before switching on a big red switch on top of the 'connect portal' sign.

Suddenly, the portal in front of him immediately glowed the familiar dark blue and black as it swirled around inside the metal borders. He smiles and was about to put his mask on when he sees something from behind him. A reflection that made his face turn pale, and his eyes widen. 

A little boy curled up, connected through wires inside a big vial... What in the world have they been doing down here..? And why does that little boy... Look exactly like him?


"I don't want to eat." Yoru said as he crossed his arms over his chest, turning away from his mother's pair of chopsticks as he looked at her with such disdain on his expression, it made his mother worry more about him. She gracefully set the pair of chopsticks down before sighing. Silently leaving the room as a shadow emerged in her eyes. 

It's been a couple of days since the incident... Yoru was not sure why but... a ghostly girl had been haunting his dreams lately... he was unsure whether or not it was just a side effect of the portal mishap but... She felt so real.

"Kini..." He muttered the nickname under his breath. That was what that girl called out to him. It often came with crying. That damn whining. He could barely sleep properly anymore. Not when every night she came and haunted him. A little girl crying. All alone in a room full of different colored bears and toys that looked similar to each other. "Kini... Where is Kini.." She cried. Non-stop. All night. The whole dream. 

Sometimes he wanted to throw the bears at her but... some part of his chest always hurt when he looked at her face. His heart sunk even lower when one night... She'd slept, no longer crying out for him. Instead wallowing in her tears and silently crying herself to sleep. He guessed she might've gotten in trouble with all the whining since Viper was also there, hugging her every night. 

"It's nothing but a weird dream." He shook his head before his eyes looked at the sushi his mother prepared for him, afterwards, hearing a grumble in his stomach. "Fine."


Sabine chuckled before sipping a cup of coffee. "Ahh.. Those two are such a menace.. Although I never knew they were dating-" She said, smiling throughout the conversation with you. It was rare for her to smile but... with you... she was unsure why it was so easy.

"Yeah- I was shocked when I heard about Killjoy and Raze too..." You said, slowly sipping your cup of coffee. You had to admit it.. Viper was quite more enjoyable to talk to here rather than back home.. She just seemed more or less... well- she seemed to actually like to talk.

Sabine suddenly looked at her watch, It's been more than a few minutes. "I should probably go back now... Y'now.. Not many like to work in the lab but I..-" Before she could finish her sentence, she immediately stood up, seeing a piece of radianite fly by outside the window in a liquified form. 

"What the-" You mumbled before suddenly hearing a portal show up right behind you and your bestfriend with it. "Jett?" 


Author's note: GUYS MY BRAINNNN IS GOING OFF RIGHT NOW- I have like this week before exams again and I'm actually super determined to finish this series before exams... So yes- T^T I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I certainly enjoyed writing it- 

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