Chapter 10: Casper

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It's been a few days since your welcoming party. The protocol hasn't given you a mission yet, god knows why, they're probably busy processing your files and finalizing your details. You've just been bored to death honestly. The past few days were so barren that days went by so slowly so you found yourself watching anime and reading books for hours and hours without doing anything at all.

It was Monday afternoon, so far you'd spent half of the day sleeping and the other half watching TV shows, particularly ones with a touch of action and drama, procrastination at its finest

Your eyes are a little groggy still so you decide to turn off the computer provided by the protocol. Since there really was no need for you to go anywhere but your room, you just decided to lock yourself in there. It wasn't like you minded anyways, it was like pure heaven to you.

Although for some reason, there was just something about today that made you want to go and paint your walls, decorate a little, add a little spice into it. Every night before bed, you would end up staring at the ceiling sometimes and it'd make you think of how dull it looked compared to the one back home...

Wait a minute... since Sabine isn't here... doesn't that mean you can change the room to your preference? That's right! You're an agent in the protocol and it's not like Viper's gonna do anything about it- With that thought, you decide to go and actually do something productive–decorate your room.

"Perfect!" You exclaimed out loud as you finished envisioning your room's decorations. You're honestly so smart for bringing all of your "Jett's bets money" Now you can actually sleep and hangout in a room with a little more of your style.

You hurry up to go to the store, quickly plopping on a hoodie and a mask. As you left your room, you noticed a couple marks on your door... It was a little eerie, a pair of claws? You shrug the thought away, not wanting to scare yourself but what on earth could have made those scratches on your door?

Anyways, you've already thought of a theme so it probably won't be that hard to find what you're looking for. You just hope that you can have the same creativity as the others... Maybe you can ask someone to help you out with it? Jett would probably be happy to help... Neon too? Agh nevermind you just suddenly remembered that you weren't that close to them anymore.

You pick up a bucket of y/f/c paint. A few posters and sticker paper for decorations anddd.... Hmm.. where is it? You look around to find some room lights, ones that look like tiny bulbs. Maybe try to find some plants too while you're at it.

You finally came to a stop when you saw a cabinet full of light decor. You ponder for a moment... there are so many colour variations... You finally picked the ones you liked the most, although, due to your height, you found it pretty hard to pick it up. You stand on your tiptoes as you lean your height trying to grab the packet of lights on the cabinet.

Suddenly, A hand reached out from behind you, grabbing the pack and handing it to you.

"Oh thank-" You turn around, your face instantly turning into a more irritated expression than it normally was just a second ago.

"Ah.. You.." You said as you look up at Yoru in annoyance.

Of all people, why'd you have to meet him here? He was already troublesome enough at the party, now he's probably here to make some trouble too. What is he even doing here? You didn't really peg him for the type to buy silly decorations...

"Stop staring at me and take it.." His lips curled in annoyance as he slightly shoved the pack to you.

You hesitate but as soon as he rolls his eyes, you take it without saying a word and he leaves without doing much which was highly unexpected... For a second there you thought that he'd pin you to the shelf or something–wait- what the hell were you thinking??? You need to go touch some grass to be honest.

You watch as he strides down the decoration aisle to get a pack of.... Cat stickers...?


You pondered what he ever would need cat stickers for... He doesn't seem like the type to really be into cutesy things... You thought of going to follow him since the thought of Yoru having cat stickers in his room was just something unbelievable to you... and so you did.

You followed Yoru, quietly trailing his back... looking over some items on the way. You poke your head here and there as you give him side glances from time to time... You may not have noticed it but you were so incredibly obvious... All that spy training with Jett really helped you to the least huh-

Suddenly Yoru turns around and halts right in your face.

"What? What do you want" He asked ever so coldly, with a slight tone of annoyance. He's been trying to lose you for the past couple of minutes now, a little bit confused as to why you would go around following him in the store...

You gulp at the sight of being caught- Whatever you were doing right now, you looked extremely suspicious–weird even-

You take a sly look at the things in his basket. A couple of cat stickers, a toy mouse and a tiny party hat... What in the world... You giggle a little at the sight... Is he obsessed with cats or something??

You couldn't help but chuckle a little, your lips curling into a smile as you try to hide your laughter. Yoru?? A cat lover??

Yoru looks at you, more vexed than ever as he curls his lips, trying to hide the things he bought for Casper the cat's birthday. He sneers at you and asks. "What are you laughing at?" slightly embarrassed...

"Why.." You couldn't keep your giggles in, you chuckled everytime you wanted to speak. Your eyes, were slightly watering down as you gasped for air in between chuckles. "Why do you have cat stickers??" You asked him, still hysterically laughing, slightly hitting his shoulder as you put an arm over your stomach.

As your hand brushed against his chest, his cheeks flushed a bright red, confused, and surprised. He usually doesn't get bothered by such things... Plus it's not like he hides the fact that he's a cat lover... Something about you knowing that though... it... it makes him feel a little bit embarrassed... the fact that your hand was on his chest doesn't help either-

He steps back slightly. His head turned to the right as he tried to hide his flustered face. Come to think about it, he hasn't seen you for the past couple of days... It made him wonder a little about where you went... Did you go on a long mission or something? What could possibly keep you so busy that he couldn't glance a sight of you for days...?

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he notices a certain ghostly figure on the side of his eyes. He squints his eyes in exasperation. "Ugh... him."


Author's note: Yoru doesn't have a cat named Casper sadly-

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I've gotten so much support from you guys- I'm sorry this was a little late- I really couldn't write anything romantic after aaaaaa but- I'm all good now and expect some good good scenes ;) 

I shall write to your heart's desires <3 

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