Chapter 3: Him

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There's nothing there. Hm. That's...

You shiver at the thought of someone possibly watching you. You just couldn't help it. Maybe it was the security cameras? You just had a weird feeling that someone was creeping behind you... You pushed the thought at the back of your head. You shouldn't be distracted. You had an important day ahead and it's better to just focus on that.

The door in front of you opens, "Y/n? wait-" Killjoy looked over her shoulder. "Clone huh?"

"I'm surprised you were the only one who noticed-" You blurted out with a small giggle.

Killjoy has always been a good friend to you. Even though you two weren't that close, you'd trust her with your life. Maybe not those nanobots of hers though.. You still remember how it cut off one of your clone's fingers when it accidentally malfunctioned.


Mirror Earth Agents >< Earth-1 Agents

The crowd scatters through everywhere. Guns fired through walls as security guards try to evacuate the mob of civilians swarming everywhere. Screams of fear echoes through the market square. Children are being left behind, people fall due to all the pushing, and the smell of terror fills the air.

Smokes and poison orbs surround A site as people hurry to scatter out of Split.

Jett dashes across the now-empty street. Quickly making a fast entry as KJ places her turret down at mid.

"Hm. That was far easier than I thought it'd be" Jett said.

Spike planted

Yoru pushes through the swarm of people. "Oh for fuck's sake" He pulls out his mask and puts it on, entering his dimension. A dimension where he isn't tangible to the physical realm.

"Stealth, Where are you??" Cypher calls out his teammate who seems to be MIA at the moment. He was currently stuck, hiding behind a wall, against Viper and Brimstone.

Yoru places a hand on his shoulder, quickly ducking down to avoid a gun being swung at him "I'm here" he said with a small chuckle.

"We don't have time for fun and games, they've already planted the bomb" Cypher said with a sigh of relief.

"How many of them are left?" Yoru asked, cocking his gun, to indicate that he was ready to push through the enemy.

"4, Jett managed to kill their Skye. Not without feeding herself to the enemy though." Cypher says. They're losing... and it'll only be a matter of time till that'll be finalized.

"Relax. I got this." Yoru puts his mask back on and takes a detour on the site and comes back to Cypher.

"Two on your right, one on-site, and one missing" He said.

"Not anymore." Viper said as she shoots Killjoy at mid.

"Hey, if you guys don't mind. I really need some help here." Phoenix mentions as he struggles against Jett.

She dashes through him as he hears her snarky comment "Our Phoenix is prettier" right before getting shot in the chest. She gives him a small wave, along with a wink before leaving him to die on site. Phoenix falls to the ground as he covers the wound with his hand and with a small chuckle to himself "Fair" he said.

"Shit, we're surrounded." Yoru says.

"I have an idea." Cypher says right before placing down a cyber cage to his right. "Push through and defuse while we fight these Idiots."

"What?" Yoru asked. That sounded like a pretty stupid plan.

"Don't question it, just do it" Viper said as she raised a wall to their left in order to create a pathway for Yoru.

He hesitates but soon pulls out his mask. 'I guess we're going through with this.' he thought to himself before going off to defuse the bomb.

Cypher and Viper both fight through the three agents from Mirror Earth but to no avail. Cypher is quickly shot on the head by Brimstone. Viper sees this and tries to shoot Jett on the head. Although, to her dismay, she misses, only being able to shoot her on the shoulder. She shoots one last bullet at Viper before she falls to the floor, dead.

Yoru notices that everyone on team is dead... but the spike's almost defused... Does he stay or does he fight?

As the three invaders come closer, walking towards him, gun in hand ready to shoot at any given moment, he notices someone running on site.

A civilian...? A girl with a vandal..?

He stares at you, slightly tilting his head to the side, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.'What's a civilian doing running into a gunfight?'

Brimstone shoots at Yoru. A bullet pierced right through his cheek, as he tries his best to hold his position. "Shit" he uttered to himself.

You run to the scene, ready to protect the enemy team and betray your friends. You quickly run towards Jett and attack her, kicking her gun away, with one swift motion.

Her eyes widen in shock "Y/n what the fuck are you doing?" She said as she holds onto her knife instead. Confusion is seen clear on her face as She slowly backs away from you.. confuzzled as to why you were turning against them.

"I'm sorry.." You whispered before raising your gun, shooting Jett.

She plops onto the floor and removes her hand away from her stomach, slowly letting herself bleed. Jett looks at her bloody hand and you. "Y/n..." she whispered under her dying breath.

Spike defused

Viper and Brimstone retreat, taking the bodies of their fallen with them. See the thing is, everyone is given a sort of device that's attached to their bodies, whereas, after the fight, It's transported back to base where Sage can revive them. A device Sage herself made, with the help of Killjoy to ensure no agents are left dead in Earth-1.

You took a deep breath as you watch your best friend's lifeless body disappear in front of you, now particles of dust that flew through the wind. What am I supposed to do now..?

You back away... You're all alone now. This was what Viper intended to happen... It wasn't your fault... Jett and the others had to die to make it believable. Guilt consumes you as you, almost stumbling until remember what Viper told you.

"Don't break while I'm gone" She said.

You clutch your fists. Right it's all part of the plan. "I won't.." You whispered to yourself.

Before you could take another step, you're pushed against a wall. An arm decorated with blue flames corners you as he leans closer to your face. His eyebrows furrowed as he slightly tilts his head to the side. His eyes seem to pierce through yours as he clenched his jaw.

You can't deny it, you did blush a little. I mean how could you not?? Your faces at this point were so close you could both probably feel each other's breath on your faces. Plus... He was quite attractive. You slightly shake your head, waking yourself up from your little daydream.

"Who are you?" You both say at the same time, almost in unison.


Sorry this was short ^^ I hope you enjoyed it though~ Thank you so so so very much for all the votes- You guys are AWESOME!! <3333

Note: The next chapter will be written in a mix of Your POV, Yoru's maybe and a third person POV, so it'll be a little different :DD

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