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I remember watching Disney movies. I used to love how pretty the Princesses were; how much they prevailed with their kindness and bravery. Through highschool, I used to think that the mean girls would get what was coming for them. Then, I arrived in planet Zolan and I realised I have some mean girl in me, too.

The parasite of survival made me do mean things. I've robbed, I've thrown people under the bus, I've lied, and I've wished ill on others. I'll never be a Disney Princess. Maybe that's why my arms haven't gotten used to the strain of carrying buckets and burn every time I pick one up. Maybe this is my punishment for being a mean girl disguised as a servant.

Today is a new day, but it repeats like the past hundred. My jobs are so repetitive.

I feel happy when Yippy, a dog-like animal, yips around my legs as I carry the buckets to camp. He's a smart little thing, but he likes to explore so he often disappears for weeks at a time. He's sweet, too, often bringing me fruit. It's always punctured and salivated, but I still appreciate the gesture.

"I missed you," I laugh at him. I wish I could put down the bucket to pet him, but I know I won't be able to pick it back up, so it's best to keep going.

I wish for a lot of things— like trimming his unkept brown hair that covers his eyes and legs, but I don't have the luxury of time. I'm not an entertainer that can sleep around with Masters and play with furry friends all day.

Yippy leaves when I get too close to camp. He doesn't like the noise that comes from it. I tell him to be careful in English because I forgot the Zolano word for "careful," and I watch him go.

My lower back is killing me, and the sun so hot I feel like an ant under a magnifying glass. I think I over-filled this bucket, and I'm fearing that I won't make it. I look down at my muddy sandals, and the wet bottom of my dress, which sticks to my skin.

I beg my legs to not give up on me.

I used to beg whichever God was listening to let my crush return my feelings, or let me pass an exam. It's funny how things change. It's funny how you realize how frugal your wishes are once you're living frugally.

A figure appears between two tents in the distance, and panic splashes me when I realize it's a Master. He's too broad to be anything else.

It has been three days since The General made the absurd, eye-brow raising command to meet his eyes whenever we cross paths. I don't know anything about what goes through that man's mind. All I know is that we're on different spectrums of domination, and that someone as lowly as me has no business looking into his stormy eyes.

Maybe I should have fucked him after all. Maybe I wouldn't be the center of his attention after he found out that my body wasn't made to shelter his. We're not compatible in nature or sex. I'm too submissive; too small in both senses.

I'm relieved to see the Master is Malik, and not The General. Although I was cleared to meet The General's eyes, I look at Malik's feet because this Master didn't grant me such a privilege. Hell, even if he did, I would hesitate. I have no business swimming in the haunted gazes of these mysterious warriors.

I keep my head low as I pass him, and the bucket seems to become heavier. A great amount splashes out when Malik stands in front of me and I freeze.

"That is heavy."

Yes, and it will become heavier if he doesn't stop making useless observations and stands in my way.

"Give me it."


"Now!" he snaps.

I set the bucket down and jump away from it.

The General ✔️ (Zolan Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now