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War rises to his feet. The hands that were just pinning me down as the rest of him pummelled into me, lift me off my knees and hands. He tugs my skirt down and turns me to face him.

I'm a filthy mess covered in mud, semen, and the sin of exhibitionism, but War smiles at me as if I'm the first breath he ever took— as if coming out of my pussy was his second, true birthing.

He looks at me like I hung the sun in the sky.

"Gods," he exhales.

The word, the tone, the way he looks at me, makes me burn like the sun he accuses me of hanging.

I'm flustered, tired, but thrilled, because we did it. We had sex, and although he filled me like a fist and we danced on the edge of pain, it was the best thing I've ever experienced.

Even with the eyes of the world shooting shock, disbelief, jealousy, and anger at us, even as my own eyes stared at blurry dirt as I jerked up and down on him, I see what can't be seen— and that's love. I'm falling in love with War.

"Let's go home." I smile.

He reaches down to lift me, but I stop him.

"I'll walk."

He hesitates, but takes my hand and leads me away. There's a slight limp to my walk as my legs struggle to remember how to function. I expected as much since War nailed my knees into the dirt.

I don't care to lessen my limp because I want all that look to see how hard War fucked me. I want the Entertainers to know that they won't ever walk like they're intoxicated off their General's dick.

I've come a long way. Months ago, I wouldn't date to lift my head. Now, I'm turning heads as I walk past.

Yippy appears and hops beside us. When we enter the tent, he enters with us.

"We need to talk," War declares.

I chuckle as he helps me into a tub with warm water. It seemed like a servant saw our show and figured I'd need a bath to wash off the many liquids War soaked me in.

"You think?" I chuckle.

"Yes," he replies, not understanding my sarcasm. It's rare, but sometimes Zolanos don't capture rhetorical questions because they're so direct in communication.

"First, tell me how you feel."

I scrub my arm and watch the dirt flow off. 
"You made me orgasm. Of course I feel fantastic."

"Is there any pain?" He's kneeling beside the tub and looking more guilty every second.

I take his hand. "It was wonderful, War. I'm glad it happened and I'm ready to make our relationship public."

He dips his chin. "It is time to meet my parents. I want to take things official. Are you ready?"

"I am."

Fuck no. War's parents are Elites. They're high in status because they're the parents of a General, and probably traditional because of their age. They'll be horrified to see that the woman their son has chosen is a refugee from a foreign planet, and not a Zolano woman with powerful family ties. Meeting them will stress War, because it will force him to decide between me and his parents.

It's a meeting that has to happen, but I know it won't be a walk in the park.

We're silent as he helps me through the rest of the bath. Once I'm dry and in a new dress, I hop to kiss his cheek.

The General ✔️ (Zolan Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now