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"On we go," the officer tells the visibly shaken party.

I'm shaken, too, but there's no time to reflect on that. My eyes remain on Vrint. He is the only one that can slam the brakes on the spiral of destruction we're heading towards.

"Vrint, please. Think about this. You won't get anywhere. Am I worth your blood?"

"Silence her," Vrint tells the men as he leads the way.

"Vrint," I continue when no one reaches for me.

He turns around, and he sees that everyone's smugness has become smeared. They hesitate to raise their hands and eyes at me, because there was something convincing about Malik's insistence. He almost looked anxious, and Masters rarely show anything past boredom.

"Go after Malik and stop him from-"

I feed on my blood when he slaps me, my teeth razoring my lip open. I taste like metal and desperation.

Worried that War will appear any second and see the violence dripping from my face, I swallow the blood quickly. The situation is already bad. I don't need it to get worse.

"Lieutenant, I advise against striking prisoners," the officer warns Vrint.

A harsh sound leaves Vrint's throat. "Hurry! All of you!"

He's hurrying because he knows The General will be on his way soon. It's only a matter of time before they clash, and there will be no hiding, because this planet knows whose its kings are.

I'm carried over to a carriage made of wood and metal, and I'm pushed inside.

With my blood-caked teeth, I ask Vrint, "Are you trying to kill me as soon as possible because you know you're screwed either way?"

The door is slammed in my face, and the carriage jolts. They didn't bother to chain me, because they know I'm no physical threat. It's my influence they should be wary of. This power over War— one that I never asked to possess, has gotten people hurt before. It will happen again.

I peek out of a creak on the wall and I watch people go about their day— trading, selling, laughing. It reminds me of Earth.

Some stare at the carriage with intrigue. Gossip must be flying like a dust cloud by now, covering all acres of the city. Everyone will know that I've been dragged to prison.

I've never been to the city's fort. I've only seen it outside, when I used to be a beggar outside its pristine gates. It's not a man-made palace like the ones from Earth, but rather a mine-style structure with walls that glitter with jewels and halls lit with glowing crystals. At least that's what I've heard. Peasants have no business inside it.

I guess today I will find out what it's like.

My heart aches from how fast it's pumping blood, and the cuts at my lip and feet eat at it. I'm dripping everywhere. A mess. Always a mess.

So much for helping the children get past their trauma. They were bonding with me, and then saw me get ripped away by the officers. The poor children lost their parental figures already, and I've added to their loss. The only thing I taught them was to trust life less.

The carriage comes to a halt. We're so far from the humble parts of the city that I no longer hear livestock or smell mud. The air itself is clean and haughty.

The doors open and I'm hurriedly snatched by my upper arms and led inside. My limping seems to irritate them because a younger officer tosses me over a shoulder.

The General ✔️ (Zolan Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now