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She takes my hand— wrapping mine in her napkin first so we don't touch, and leads me out of the room and past fancy halls.

We stop in a room with vast windows and a long dining table in the center. Couches line the walls. This must be some lounging space.

"Sit. Sit. The ladies will have so much fun. How smart are you? Can you read and write?" she seats me on a couch and hovers over me, staring with hungry eyes.

"Yes, I can read and write."

She genuinely looks shocked. "Do you have any mental defects? Emotionally unstable? Unable to pick up social cues? How are your knees?" she pats my left one. "Can you walk on your hands and knees for long? Oh, we can try collars on you!"

"No. I don't have any conditions."

But I'm beginning to think that she does. Is she crazy? She can't turn me into a pet! This sheltered, bored, condescending Queen will not turn me into a lab rat.

"Delvison! Get the girls!" she yells down the hall.

"My Queen. Can we please speak about the charges pressed against me?"

"Forget about the charges. If you entertain me, I'll let you go."

"For how long?"

"Until we get bored with you. Now stop speaking. It is rude to ask so many questions."

Over the next hour, I'm poked and tugged by four different females who ask me many invasive, degrading questions.

Are you hypersexual?

Can you dance for us?

Do you know how to count?

Why are your eyes the color of dirt? Do you shower often?

Do you know what religion is?

Can you crawl for us?

Meanwhile, twenty guards including Vrint, surround the room and watch the spectacle.

Yes, I crawled. Yes, I danced, because I don't know how to say no to The Queen that owns my life. I tried to bring up the theft charges and warn that The General was storming to the city, but all she did was shrug it off because "a simple creature" such as myself would never understand a Zolano as complex as The General.

She has dealt with him for years, so apparently only she knows how to appease him.

This goes on for hours. When the ladies take a break to snack, my stomach makes the mistake of grumbling— something Zolanos don't do. They look at me as if I'm an animal and give me leftovers.

I nibble on a cold sandwich, unable to reject it, and feel like throwing up.

The Queen's hand stops mid-stroke on my hair when a loud horn shrills through the entire place.

"We're under attack!" one guard yells.

"By who? What?"

"By... The General?"

Yes, I can see how absurd it is for the leader of the military, the man responsible for protecting the country, is attacking his very Queen.

The Queen stands. "Why didn't anyone tell me he was arriving? I made no preparations." She huddles to the door, only to shrink back when the sounds of violence got louder. "He is in a surlier mood than usual..." she observes. "Vrint, why..."

Vrint makes a dash for a door, but I throw a tray of food at him. He's not leaving. He needs to be held accountable for this mess.

"Stop him," The Queen says.

"I believe there is no stopping The General, my Queen."

"I know that! I meant stop Vrint."

Men chase after him, right as a body pummels into the room like a meteorite seeking the destruction of all of Zolan.

It's War. He's naked, as if he was caught in the middle of a bath. The entrance is so dramatic and careless... so him.

I take a subconscious step toward him. I need to close our distance. I missed him.

A lady grips my arm. "Are you suicidal? Stay right there and look at your feet unless you want to get hurt."

I don't look down. I don't have to listen to them anymore.

War's eyes scan the room until finding mine. He strolls in, and instead of walking around a chair that blocks his way like a normal person would, he swings his broadsword and slices the thing in half, sending wood and female squeals flying.

The Queen, thinking I'm in danger, runs to stand in front of him. "Forgive her insolence. She is a harmless girl. Come, let us go to my throne room where we will discuss what has made you so upset."

"Why is she wearing a collar, Ulia?" he glowers down at The Queen, who is much shorter than him. If I were her, I would have passed out long ago.

Ulia? Did he just call The Queen by her given name?

"Who, my pet?" she frowns.

The roar that comes from War makes me slap my palms over my ears and guards to charge forward. Malik and a few other masters pour in to keep them away.

War shoulders past Ulia, making her stumble onto her ass, and stomps to me. A single arm wraps around my thighs and lifts me until his face is pressed into my breasts."

"Calm down. Calm down," I whisper hushedly as I stroke his hair and eye the room. We've become the spotlight.

"Joan," he groans into me.

"Hi," I say lamely.

"Where is he? Where is Vrint?" He makes a move to pull his head from my chest, but I hug it back into place.

I want the Queen to punish Vrint for his lies, not War.

"Can you take me out of here? Please?" I ask, lowering my lips to his forehead. There are specs of blood there— blood of another person. I try not to think of it, because soiled or not, this is still War.

"Of course."

"What terrible confusion," The Queen interjects. "General, I did not know you were intimate with this female. Let us discuss this in my study."

"Shut the fuck up," he growls.

"Watch your mouth," one brave, older guard snaps at him.

War lifts his free hand that still holds his blade, as if to throw it. I cling to his forearm for dear life.

"War," I whisper. "She is still The Queen. You can't talk to her like that."

He looks up at me, irritated, and lowers his arm. "Fine."

"Shall I prepare you two rooms?" The Queen offers.

War glares at her, not fond of the idea of further separation from me.

"One room?" she corrects herself.

"Can we leave?" I whisper. I don't like it here. There are too many eyes. Too many jewels on the walls attempting— and failing to beautify this ugly place.



"I think I love you."

The General ✔️ (Zolan Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now