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I duck my head because what else can I do when the planet's most masculine man is demanding my children? It's flattering and embarrassing all at once.

I'm grateful that he's respecting my wishes to take things slow. Children have no place between us at this time. There is still so much for me to unearth and grow.

"I think we should keep our relationship private for at least one more month. Things are still hot after I fought the Entertainer, and I want to keep working. I don't deserve retirement only because my boss thinks I'm pretty."

"I think you are more than attractive."

I smile at him. "My point is that I still have things to make up for. I owe Masters for what I took them through, and I will never stop working."

War is quick to reply. "We will see about that. The day you fall pregnant will be the last day you work. I will not have you fatigued."

Hell will come to Zolan that day, because I will profusely disagree with him, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

"But as you wish, I will allow you to continue working without interruption if it means so much to you to provide for camp. There is one final detail. I will assign you a maid."

"I don't need a —"

"I will near none of it. You are a higher female of status now, and this is my gift for accepting my proposal to be mine."

I laugh. "I've always been yours. You would have killed any other man I looked at romantically. You're like a child refusing to share a toy."

War grins. "You should really not insult the man who just punished you unless you'd like my cock to hit the back of your throat again? Maybe this time I'll make you suck them both at once."

I slam my mouth shut. A satisfied War smirks and bends to pull my dress down my thighs. When he sees that my top is destroyed, he frowns.

"I was rough," de declares. "Please don't tell me I hurt you again."

"No," I answer quickly.

Sure, my throat will be sore from chocking on his huge dick the point that I won't be able to swallow as much as water tomorow, but I'll survive.

"Let me take you home."

"Are you sure? It will look bad if you let me out before my punishment is up."

"I already punished you, so all mistakes have been forgiven. You have been here for hours and I will allow no longer."

I dip my chin, agreeing, and he takes my hand and leads me through the door. We walk in the shadows — something I know War isn't used to because he hides from no one.

Entering his tent feels like home. It's still huge and barely has signs War lives in it, as if begging for the touch of a woman.

I touch his bed. I can't believe I'm back here. I can't believe we're trying to make this work after I was convinced we were better off separate.

The fur on his bed is soft, but cold. Did he sleep alone every night? Did he sleep at all?

A powerful chest presses against my back. War lowers some of his weight onto me, and he's so heavy that I go down with a squeal. He rumbles with laugher as he spins us last second and lets me crash onto his chest.

"Sleep. I will suckle upon your clit again in the morning."


"That is not up for negotiation."

The General ✔️ (Zolan Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now