5| Flattery

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1st person. Y/N Perspective


"Michael?" I raised my eyebrows, then furrowed them just a little. "I like Mike more."

"Then call me Mike! that's fine." He said quickly, standing awkwardly. his weight was put onto his right leg.

"Right...lovely." I smiled. "Goodnight then, Mike. Get home safe." I saw him nod as I walked away...The tube ride home was slightly more joyful.


The next morning felt a bit rushed. I was in a better mood, and I was eager to get out of my flat and get to work. I've never been this excited for something like this...

when I arrived, the doors were already unlocked. I saw Mike already setting up tables as I came inside. He looked...different today.

He didn't wear a mask. No, instead, his entire face except for his eyes was wrapped in those bandages I got him last night. His hair, which I'm going to just assume is a wig, was tucked under a basic, blue ball cap. his face wasn't visible, but I was now able to see his expression based on his eyes. Even if they were a little spooky looking.

"Mr. Schmidt." I greeted, unlocking the side locker and putting away my bag. "good morning."

"Morning, L/N." He said lightly. I saw his eyes flash in my direction, and I got chills down my back. He only looked at me for a moment, though. "Have a good night?"

"Oh! yes, of course. and you?" I approached him and gathered a few of the party supplies from the supply cart he sat to his right.

"exceptionally." He said in a small laugh. "You're here early."

"The doors were unlocked early." I retaliated.

"I was expecting." He shrugged, his eyes flashing in my direction once again. He followed my gaze as I went across the room to set up a different table.

"Oh really? I'm flattered, Mr. Schmidt." I chuckled, laying down the table cloths. he filled balloons with Helium, then passed them to me to tie strings onto once we were finished with the tables.

"quite skilled with knot tying?" He looked at me. I cringed slightly, but I understood that he was just trying to make a small conversation.

"It's easy to tie knots." I shrugged. "Though, with those bandaged fingers, it must come as a struggle?"

He nodded, then looked down at his hands. He didn't look upset, thankfully.

"I suppose you're right, dear." He said lightly, looking at me once more. I felt a pit grow in the bottom of my stomach.

"Wonderful..." I trailed off, now setting up a small flyer for one of the many advertisements this place had. It was for some kind of plumbing company.

"Sorry..." He said suddenly. "Conversation isn't my mojo."

I Hummed in response, nudging him with my hip as I walked by to push the supply cart back into its closet. "You don't have to apologize, Mr. Schmidt."

"Just don't want to make the air tense."

"The air is already tense. the ventilation here sucks sometimes..." I sigh deeply. he looked almost startled by what I said. "No offense to you! not at all."

"None taken." He shook his head.


I don't know what the hell it is, but being able to actually see him. talk to him like a normal human being. I'm able to understand that he is listening because I can actually see where he is looking...his expression changed a lot based on his eyes.

Thanatophobia| MICHAEL AFTON x READERWhere stories live. Discover now