27| Cold

832 19 115

1st person Michael POV


"Why do you want to know so much about it, ah?" I said shortly, narrowing my eyes at Y/N, who just shrugged. 

"Just keep talking to me. You worked there, didn't you?" 

"I wouldn't exactly say that...but yeh, I guess." I lifted my head up. 

"Then tell me about it. What did you have to do?" 


"Specifics! Did you see anything cool?" They looked eager now. It was scary. 

"I wouldn't say cool...it was terrifyin', love, honestly." I scoffed, catching a pillow that they threw at me and holding it to my chest. "Look, Dear, this really isn't a good topic for me, yah?" 

"Then why not tell me a bit more about your personal life?" 

"About how my whole family is dead?" 

"Well...maybe before they died?" They cringed, squinting their eyes at me slightly. 

"Ah...well, I'd have to think a bit." 

"Don't tell me anything about your father. You seem very fond of your mum and your little siblings." They pushed, now moving onto the same sofa I was on, bringing a few pillows with them. 



"Don't talk over me, please, Y/N, it's annoying." They frowned when I said that, moving back to the loveseat to sit alone.  "Okay! Jeez, okay." I scoffed. 

"Go on." 

"Well...there isn't really much to talk about. My mother was a kind woman- my father was terrified of her because she was a total boss lady, and she wasn't afraid to fight him if he challenged her. My little sister was the same way, however, she was a lot more...er...optimistic." 

"I don't think you've ever told me how your sister died." They said suddenly, making me a jolt. I felt that pit in my stomach grow when it was brought up. 

"Er...well, that kind of ties into my father's location." 

"The circus baby one?" I nodded. "See?! Tell me more about that place, Mike." 

"Why are you suddenly so obsessed with it?!" I scoffed, moving farther away from it. "You're pressuring me." 

"Peer pressure is good! Come on, tell me." 

"It's just...There was a thing in that place that killed my sister. The entire time I was there...I felt like, this weird connection to the whole place. I felt it with the ballerina too...any time I was in a room with either the Circus baby or the ballerina, My chest just...ached in a weird way." I sighed deeply. "She helped me through that place, you know?" 

"That's good?" 

I hesitated. 

"Uh...yeah, I guess so, yeah." 

"Why do you sound so uncertain with that answer?" They narrowed their eyes. I just shrugged. 

'That's not a topic for now. I feel like I've pushed enough of myself onto you in the past few days, Y/N, this is exhausting." I sat back up funny, my hands resting on my legs. "It's late, maybe we should-" 

"No! Tell me more. I don't mind." 

"Y/N- seriously, I'm tired-" 

"Just a bit?" They begged. I cringed, sinking back down into the sofa. My stomach felt uneasy. 

Thanatophobia| MICHAEL AFTON x READERWhere stories live. Discover now