24| Strawberry amphetamine

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3rd person omniscient.

chapter warnings-

mention of Violence
slight self-harm
Aggravated, consensual sex.
Destruction of Property

Take this chapter as you will.


He breathed out as he left the hospital, his chest feeling tight- his head was woozy for whatever reason. Michael usually didn't get this angry when it came to conflict with Y/N. He was able to put up with a lot of stuff they did, even though most of it was minor inconveniences- He was short-tempered, and could usually feel himself winding up into a total disaster on sight. This was why he chose to leave for now.

His head hurt. It felt like he had taken one dose too high of amphetamine, causing his body to basically attack itself.

He didn't, but it felt that way.

His hands landed in his hair as he passed the pavement a few times, his fingers tugging slightly at the roots. He started doing this presently whenever he would get upset. He always feared pulling it out though, so it wasn't often.

"Watch where you're walking!" One of the hospital nurses said, who was pushing a man in a wheelchair. Michael had almost walked right into them...

"Watch where YOU'RE walking." Michael practically yelled, making the nurse push the man faster, turning quickly through the front doors. He kicked a stone on the ground, scoffing as he blindly crossed the street. He ended up stumbling because a car honked right at him...He said a few interesting things to them before rushing to the other side.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets, mumbling angry things to himself as he strode done the walking path, basically just shoving anyone who was in his way. The more he got into his own head, the more resemblance to his father he noticed...His father took his anger out on other people, which Michael was doing right now.

Not as extreme as his father, but it still upset him.

Michael didn't know where he was going. The city wasn't big, but it was still easy to get lost. The roads sort of only lead to two places, though. His mother's house, or the pizzeria...He chose the Pizzaria, the place that basically started this mess- The place he knew had things he could take out his anger on.

He took the back way in, which led into a small room with wooden panel walls, a single table, and two chairs. That was all that the room held. Opposite the table was a door. Michael took that way in, which opened into the utility closet, which led into the larger main room of the pizzeria.

He stood for a moment, his chest feeling heavy as he scanned the entire room, searching for the right place to be...His eyes landed on a ceiling vent, which had an advertisement banner stuck to it. That was the one he put up the first night working with Y/N. He stuck a ladder up onto the tale and climbed it, tearing down the banner to look inside of the vent grate. He banged on the outside of it.

"HEY!" He yelled, wincing when his voice echoed through the vent. He ducked out of it when he heard heavy metal clanking coming from one side of it. He closed the grate and climbed down, tasking the ladder to the other side of the room, where he banged on the outside of it again. The metal clanking was attracted to wherever he was knocking.

Eventually, he ended up in his office...Michael ended up pulling one of the metal legs off of one of the tables, holding it Bat style with each of his hands. He knew what was in the vents, and what it wanted. He knew he couldn't kill it, but it was something he could wack a few times just for the hell of it.

Thanatophobia| MICHAEL AFTON x READERWhere stories live. Discover now