16| A/N

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Hello hello, sorry for the sudden Authors note, another chapter will be coming out right after this, don't worry.

I just have a lot of things written down. A lot of Michael Afton headcanons that I would like to share and get opinions on.

So, that is what this "Chapter" will be.


HC 1: Michael has a very fragile temper, and his reaction is usually anger and/or violence.

HC 2: Michael enjoys Sour things, but hates spicy foods.

HC 3: Michael often dissociates when stressed, which causes him to stare off at nothing, not respond when you are talking to him, dizziness, and sudden changes in mood. He has problems with remembering small details, and he often can't describe faces to you.

HC 4: Michael is very good at math due to his years of experience in mechanic and electric work jobs.

HC 5: Michael cries often as his little brother had.

HC 6: Michael Sunburns really easily.

HC 7: Michael paints his nails often, just for fun.

HC 8: Michael has a hard time thinking before he speaks, which often gets him in bad situations.

HC 9: Michael's mother would rub his head when he was upset, so when someone does it now, it comforts him tremendously.

Hc 10: Michael is bad at basketball.

HC 11: Michael can play guitar, but can't tell if the strings are out of tune. He makes it work anyways.

HC 12: Michael hates the word, Moist.

HC 13: Michael has a horrible resting bitch face, and this sometimes gets him in trouble.

HC 14: Michael likes orange-flavored things.

HC 15: Michael is bad at Mario Cart

HC 16: Michael hates the colour brown

HC 17: Michael gets anxious really easily, but gets super, weirdly confident when comfortable.

HC 18: Michael's hands sweat a lot.

HC 19: Michael Likes pickles.

HC 20: Michael prefers boobs over butt.


Thanatophobia| MICHAEL AFTON x READEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora